91成人视频 Theatre Department Season Proposal
91成人视频 Theatre Department Season Proposal
Submitted By:
Date Submitted:
Title of Proposed Show:
Brief Synopsis:
Which company owns the rights?
Type of production:
Type of production:
Production Style or Period:
Explain the rationale/value of your choice of project.
Does this production lend itself to incorporation in specific courses or events during the desired semester? If so, please explain. (Optional)
What is the educational value of this proposed project for you and the campus community? (Optional)
Number of Males(s) in Cast:
Number of Females in Cast:
Number of Either Gender in Cast:
Any Cast Concerns or Issues:
Preferred Venue:
Preferred Slot:
Slot(s) to Avoid:
What type and/or level of technical support will be needed? (lighting, make-up, props, scenery, etc.)
Number of Interior Settings:
Number of Exterior Settings:
Number of Costumes:
Period of Design:
Are there any special production requirements not specified above?
Please identify the following stated season goals that this proposal supports.
Please identify the following stated season goals that this proposal supports.
Represent a range of styles, literature (genre) or non-traditional mediums
Heightened Language
Historical period, which affects silhouette, movement, etc.
Original work
Need for strong box office appeal
Strong Educational Value
Under-represented Voices
Any additional notes/considerations?