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91成人视频 Board of Trustees

SECTION V. Administrative Affairs

Issued: April 16, 2001


A. Budget and Appropriations Process

  1. Budget Requests

    The President shall establish guidelines and procedures for preparation of operating and capital budget requests for Eastern Illinois University ("the University"). The President shall review and make recommendations concerning the requests and submit them to the Board of Trustees ("the Board") for approval. The President shall review employee salaries at the University, and, as appropriate, present recommendations concerning employee salaries as part of the operating budget request. The President shall submit budget requests approved by the Board to the Board of Higher Education and shall take such actions on the Board's behalf as are necessary and appropriate during the Board of Higher Education budget review process.
  2. Appropriations Requests

    The President shall prepare the Board's requests for operating and capital appropriations for the University. The President shall submit the initial requests for operating and capital appropriations to the Board for approval prior to their introduction in the General Assembly. The President shall take such actions on the Board's behalf as are necessary and appropriate during the appropriations process.
  3. Financial Plans and Reports

    1. The President shall establish guidelines and procedures for the preparation of an annual internal budget for appropriated and non-appropriated funds for the University.
    2. The President shall establish guidelines and procedures for the preparation of financial reports for the Board.
  4. Line Item Transfers

    The President, subject to the provisions of State law, may approve appropriation line item transfer requests for the University. The President shall annually present a report on appropriation line item transfers approved during the preceding fiscal year.

B. Purchases

Purchases consist of contracts, purchase orders, or other agreements (collectively referred to in this Subsection B. as "contracts") for the receipt of services or the acquisition of real or personal property obligating financial resources of the Board. The financial resources of the Board include all funds received by or belonging to the Board, and the University, including income received and retained in accordance with Section 105/6a(2) of the State Finance Act ("State Finance Act"), 30 ILCS 105/6a(2). All purchasing transactions shall be conducted in accordance with applicable State and federal statutes and regulations and applicable regulations adopted by the Board.

  1. Approval

    Approval of purchases shall be obtained, prior to the obligation of financial resources of the Board, as follows:
    1. All transactions involving the acquisition of real property and purchases of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) or more (except as specified in paragraph d. below) shall require the Board's approval.
    2. Except as specified in paragraph d. below, purchases by the University of at least one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) but less than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) shall require the President's approval.
    3. The Chairperson may grant an exception to the requirement of Board approval of a purchase if, in the opinion of the Chairperson: (1) immediate action is required; (2) a reasonable effort has been made by the Chairperson/designee to consult individually with members of the Board or the Executive Committee; and (3) there is insufficient time to obtain approval by the Board or the Executive Committee before action must be taken. The President shall present a report on exceptions granted under this provision at the next regular Board meeting.
    4. Approval by the Board or the President under paragraph a. or b. above is not required for the following purchases: natural gas, utility services, fire protection, library books and periodicals, textbooks, food products, entertainment services paid for with student fees and/or ticket sales receipts, resale items, postal charges, approved projects funded through the Capital Development Board, and approved items bid through the Illinois Public Higher Education Cooperative or State of Illinois.
  2. Reports

    At each regular Board meeting, the President shall present a report on purchases of at least one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) but less than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) made since the preceding regular Board meeting, excluding purchases listed in paragraph 1.d. above.
  3. Letters of Intent

    A letter of intent (or similar document) may be signed by the President/designee for the University when the President determines that a letter of intent is necessary to insure receipt of an advantageous price or delivery date for goods or services and approval of the purchase by the Board as required by paragraph 1. above cannot be obtained in a timely manner. Such letters of intent shall provide that the purchase may be terminated without any cost, liability, or obligation if approval of the Board as required by paragraph 1. above is not obtained by a specified date and shall contain such other conditions as may be considered appropriate by the person signing the letter of intent.
  4. Internal Management Guidelines

    1. The University shall promulgate a policy concerning purchases, which shall include the following provisions and such other provisions as are necessary and appropriate.
      1. Provisions intended to ensure the fair and equitable treatment of all persons who provide goods or services to the Board or University.
      2. Provisions intended to foster competitive bidding and economical procurement to the greatest extent possible.
    2. The policy and any changes shall become effective when approved by the President.
  5. Change Orders

    1. The President/designee is authorized to approve and sign construction project change orders for the University.
    2. A change order or series of change orders authorizing or necessitating an increase in either the cost of a contract by a total of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or more or the time of completion by a total of thirty (30) days or more shall not be approved unless it is first determined in writing by the President/designee that the circumstances necessitating the change were not reasonably foreseeable at the time the contract was signed, or the change is germane to the original contract as signed, or the change order or series of change orders is in the best interest of the University and is authorized by law. Such written determination and the written change order resulting from that determination shall be preserved in the contract's permanent file which shall be open to the public for inspection.
    3. In accordance with Section I.E. of these Regulations, the President shall further delegate the authority granted to him/her in the preceding paragraphs so that the same individual does not both approve a change order under paragraph a. and make a determination in writing that the change order is justified under paragraph b.
    4. Approval by the President/designee shall be required for each change order which results in a contract amount of less than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) if the change order: (1) increases a contract to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) or more; (2) exceeds a contingency previously approved by the President; or (3) increases a contract previously approved by the President without a contingency.
    5. Board approval shall be required for each change order: (1) increasing a contract to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) or more; (2) exceeding a contingency previously approved by the Board; or (3) increasing a contract previously approved by the Board without a contingency.

C. Contracts

  1. Contract Preparation and Signature

    1. The Board, as a duly constituted body corporate and politic, is the contracting entity for all contracts involving the Board or the University. All such contracts shall bear the name of the Board and, as appropriate, shall also include the name of the University as follows: "Board of Trustees of Eastern Illinois University."
    2. All contracts and agreements must be reviewed and approved by the Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs/designee. The Vice President for Business Affairs/designee is responsible for ensuring appropriate review by the office of University Counsel. All contracts and agreements must be signed by the Vice President/designees for Business Affairs.
    3. The President/designee is authorized to sign all contracts for the Board and the University after any necessary Board approval is obtained.
    4. Any new contract or contract renewal in the amount of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) or more in a fiscal year, or any order against a master contract in the amount of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) or more in a fiscal year, or any contract amendment or change to an existing contract that increases the value of the contract to or by two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) or more in a fiscal year, shall be signed or approved in writing by the President, and shall also be signed or approved in writing by the University General Counsel and Vice President for Business Affairs.
  2. Income-producing Contracts

    1. Income-producing contracts include, without limitation, grants or contracts with public or private agencies for instruction, research, or service, as well as concession contracts and contracts for the conveyance, lease, license, encumbrance, or other disposition of real or personal property of the Board.
    2. The President shall present to the Board an annual report on income-producing contracts received by the University.

D. Travel

Travel regulations issued by the Travel Regulation Council, as may be amended from time to time, shall govern the reimbursement of employees and members of the Board from all fund sources.


E. Business Expenses

  1. The University shall develop a policy concerning the reimbursement from any Board or University funds of expenses incurred in connection with the conduct of official business for individuals, organizations, or situations not covered by regulations of the Travel Regulation Council. The policy shall be consistent with regulations issued by the Travel Regulation Council to the extent possible and shall, except as otherwise provided herein, take effect when approved by the President. Any such policies shall comply with any relevant personnel policies adopted by the Illinois Board of Higher Education in compliance with the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act ("Ethics Act"), 5 ILCS 430/1-1 et seq.
  2. The policy shall include the following:
    1. Provisions concerning the reimbursement of expenses for transportation, meals, and living expenses.
    2. Provisions concerning the reimbursement of expenses for institutional advancement and development efforts.
    3. Provisions concerning the reimbursement of expenses for candidates for faculty, administrative and staff positions.
    4. Provisions concerning the source of funds for reimbursement of business expenses.
    5. Any such other provisions as are appropriate and necessary for the University to comply with any relevant state laws.

F. Moving and Relocation Expenses

  1. The term "employee," as used herein, includes all full-time faculty and selected administrative and civil service employees recruited outside the commuting area of the post of duty of the assignment.
  2. Moving or relocation expenses associated with the appointment of the President shall be limited to reasonable and actual expenses and shall be subject to approval by the Board. Moving or relocation expenses associated with the appointment of other employees shall be limited to reasonable and actual expenses and shall be subject to the maximum specified by University policy.
  3. If two (2) or more individuals occupying the same household who qualify for reimbursement for moving and relocation expenses are hired with commencement dates not more than thirty (30) calendar days apart, they shall be eligible for a single reimbursement for that household to be divided equally between or among such individuals.

G. Non-Appropriated Funds

    1. The State Finance Act provides that certain non-appropriated funds may be retained by the University for use in the manner and for the purposes set forth therein. Non-appropriated funds retained by the University shall be subject to the following provisions.
      1. Depositories
        1. Non-appropriated funds may be deposited in depositories approved by the Board. The only financial institutions eligible for consideration as depositories are: (a) banks located in Illinois and insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC); or (b) savings and loan associations located in Illinois and insured by the Saving Association Insurance Fund (SAIF).
        2. As a general rule, all deposits at a depository in excess of the amount insured by the FDIC or SAIF shall be secured by the pledge of: (a) United States government securities; (b) securities guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the United States government; or (c) any other security permitted by law and approved by the Board.
  1. Investment of Funds

    Non-appropriated funds shall, unless otherwise provided for by terms of a bond resolution or needed for operational expenses, be invested in accordance with the provisions of the Public Funds Investment Act, 30 ILCS 235/2.5 et seq., and the Uniform Management of Institutional Funds Act,760 ILCS 50/1-10 et seq. The President or designee shall have the authority to prescribe guidelines, not inconsistent herewith, as are deemed appropriate for accomplishing the purposes herein set forth.
  2. Records and Audits

    The University shall maintain detailed financial records of operations and prepare formal financial reports in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as are necessary for sound financial management and adequate disclosure. The University shall annually file with the Board a copy of its annual financial report and its audit supervised by the Auditor General.
  3. Bond Resolutions

    In the event of a conflict between the provisions of these Regulations and the requirements of specific bond resolutions adopted by the Board, the latter shall govern.
  4. Reserves

    Board approval shall be required to establish or change non-instructional facilities reserves or other reserves authorized by the University Guidelines 1982, as amended 1997 ("Guidelines"), issued by the Legislative Audit Commission. The President shall issue guidelines for such reserves consistent with the Guidelines.

H. University-Related Organizations

  1. General

    University-related organizations include foundations, alumni associations, athletic associations, and other not-for-profit organizations established for the purpose of assisting the Board and the University in the accomplishment of their educational objectives.
  2. Audit Commission Guidelines

    The relationship between university-related organizations and the University shall be governed by the Guidelines . The University shall develop a written contract describing this relationship with each of its university-related organizations. These contracts shall be subject to approval by the Board.
  3. Establishment of University-Related Organizations

    Proposals to create a new university-related organization shall be submitted to the President for review by the Board before the organization is established.
  4. Contributions

    A report shall be submitted to the Board by the President describing any significant commitment of Board or University resources for the operation, maintenance, or administration of a contribution to a university-related organization intended for use by the University. The Board's approval shall be required before such a commitment is made. For purposes of this requirement, a significant commitment of resources shall be defined as one which totals fifty thousand ($50,000) or more in cash and/or in-kind expenditures annually.
  5. Reports

    1. The President shall submit to the Board copies of the annual audits of each university-related organization.
    2. The President shall present an annual report to the Board on contributions received by all university-related organizations and the significant activities and financial condition of such organizations.

I. Contributions

  1. General

    The Board is charged by statute to succeed to and administer all trusts, trust property, and gifts belonging or pertaining to the University. Contributions may be accepted by the Board or on behalf of the Board by authorized Board or University officials. All such contributions and regulations thereof shall comply with the Ethics Act.
  2. Definition

    For the purpose of this regulation, contributions are defined to include gifts, endowments, trusts, bequests, devises, and other donations made to the Board or the University.
  3. Authority to Accept

    The President is authorized to accept contributions to the University. Board approval shall be required prior to acceptance in the case of contributions involving a significant commitment of resources for the operation, maintenance, or administration of the contribution. For purposes of this requirement, a significant commitment of resources shall be defined as one totaling fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) or more in cash and/or in-kind expenditures annually.
  4. Reports

    The President shall present an annual report to the Board on contributions to the University. More specific information relative to contributions to the University will be made available to Board members upon request.

J. Tuition and Mandatory Fees

  1. Definition

    Mandatory fees are defined as tuition and other fees established by the Board which all students are assessed as a prerequisite for registration unless a waiver or other exemption has been authorized by the Board or by statute.
  2. Tuition

    The Board shall annually review and establish tuition rates.
  3. Other Mandatory Fees

    Board approval shall be required to establish or change the amount of any mandatory fee. In addition to tuition, mandatory fees which may be established at the University include the following:
    1. Activity fee
    2. Union/Bond Revenue fee
    3. Health & Counseling Service fee
    4. Student Legal Service fee
    5. Athletic fee
    6. University Union fee
    7. Technology fee
    8. Pharmacy fee
    9. Textbook Rental fee
    10. Grant in Aid fee
    11. Recreation Center fee
    12. Campus Improvement fee
    13. Any other fee which is a prerequisite for registration.
  4. Waivers

    Board approval is required to waive mandatory fees, except when a waiver is required by statute or authorized by Board regulation.
  5. Advance Deposit

    Subject to Board approval, the University may require an advance deposit from a student who has been accepted for admission or who preregisters for a subsequent term. This deposit will be applied to the registration fees for that term.
  6. Collections

    All registration fees must be collected prior to or during the academic term to which they apply. The University offers a plan which permits students to pay their tuition and fees in installments during the academic term. A finance charge may be added for students who elect to pay in more than one installment, in accordance with an approved University plan. Unless an exception is granted by the President, individuals must meet all financial obligations to the University to maintain their status as enrolled students.
  7. Refunds

    Board approval shall be required for any refund of tuition and mandatory fees other than in accordance with the following provisions. The term "refund" is defined as the cancellation of an unpaid obligation as well as an actual refund of an amount previously paid.
    1. (1) Any student canceling registration prior to the beginning of late registration, in accordance with established University procedures, shall be eligible for a 100% refund of any funds advanced to that date. Cancellation of registration must occur by 4:30 p.m. the last working day prior to the beginning date of late registration.

      (2) Any student who has registered and officially withdraws from the University in accordance with established University procedures on or before the tenth day of regularly scheduled classes shall receive a refund of all tuition and mandatory fees.

      (3) After the first ten regularly scheduled class days, but before or on the twenty-first regularly scheduled class day, any student who completely withdraws from the University shall be eligible for a refund equal to one half of all tuition and mandatory fees.

      (4) The University designates pro rata refund periods for summer and other sessions that are scheduled in formats that differ from the established fall and spring semesters.
    2. All refunds for students receiving Title IV Financial Aid Programs are subject to applicable rules and regulations governing those programs.
    3. Any student withdrawing from the University in accordance with established rules and whose tuition and/or mandatory fees were paid by a scholarship shall have the eligible refund paid back to said scholarship.
    4. A student may receive a refund of mandatory tuition and fees, if declared ineligible by the University for enrolled status.
    5. A student who changes from full-time to part-time status on or before the tenth day of regularly scheduled classes shall receive a refund of all mandatory tuition and fees not applicable to part-time status. A student receiving a refund of mandatory fees may not be eligible for activities and benefits covered by such fees.
  8. Students Studying Abroad

    All students who are permitted to enroll for study abroad shall be charged a single fee which shall be approved following the procedures for all other non-mandatory fees.
  9. Tuition Rate for Market-Based Academic Programs

    Market-based tuition rates may be approved for selective programs by the President.
  10. Activity Fee

    1. Student activity fees, upon collection by the University, become State funds and are subject to statutes, regulations, and University policies and procedures applicable to State funds generally.
    2. The University shall develop policies concerning the administration of student activity fees. The policies and any changes shall become effective when approved by the President.

      The policies shall contain the following provisions and such other provisions as are necessary and appropriate:

      (1) Provisions for collection of all student activity fees at regular intervals.
      (2) Provisions for allocation by a body which includes representation of appropriate student organizations and of students generally.
  11. Tuition Rates for International Students in Approved International Partnership Agreements

    International students who enroll at the University pursuant to an approved partnership agreement will be assessed tuition at a rate determined by the President.

K. Special Fees and Charges

  1. Special Fees

    Special fees are defined as all fees other than mandatory fees and shall include the following:
    1. Room and board fee
    2. Graduation fee
    3. Late registration and/or late payment fee
    4. Finance fee for installment payments
    5. Transcript fee
    6. Health & Accident Insurance fee
    7. Any other fee which is required for graduation.
    Board approval shall be required to establish or change the amount of any special fee.
  2. Charges

    Approval of the President is required to establish or change the amount of the following charges:
    1. Laboratory, material, or other course-related charge
    2. Locker and towel charge
    3. Late examination charge
    4. Duplicate schedule charge
    5. Library fine charge
    6. Lost identification or activity card charge
    7. Test charge
    8. Traffic fine charge
    9. Yearbook charge
    10. Parking charge
    11. Other nonmandatory charges.
  3. Waivers and Refunds

    Special fees may be waived or refunded in accordance with Board Regulations or by specific approval of the Board. Charges may be waived or refunded in accordance with university policy or by specific approval of the President.

    A student may receive a refund of the Health & Accident insurance fee, if within the first ten days of the Fall or Spring terms (first 5 days of Summer term) the student applies for said refund and has not submitted a claim. The Health & Accident insurance fee will not be refunded if institutional policy is to maintain coverage for students who withdraw.

L. Internal Offset Procedures

The University shall develop procedures whereby University-initiated payments to its debtors may be offset in accordance with State law and the rules of the State Comptroller. These procedures and any changes shall become effective when approved by the President.

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