Prof. Brian Mann
Introduction Frequently Taught Courses Research & Creative Interests Professional Affiliations Update your profile

Prof. Brian Mann

Senior Instructor, Department Advisor Office: 2566 - Coleman Hall
Email: bmann@eiu.edu


I am a historian of the modern Middle East with a specialization in 19th/20th century Iran. I teach undergraduate and honors courses on Middle Eastern history, Islamic history, and world history, as well as upper-level courses on modern Iran, the Arab-Israeli Conflict, and British imperialism.  I also often teach students Persian as an independent study. My main research interests are nationalism, social movements, and imperialism, as they relate to modern Iran and the Middle East in general, and I am particularly interested in the region of Khuzistan (Iran's southwestern and oil-rich province which sits along the border with Iraq on the Persian Gulf). I am the department's undergraduate advisor.

Frequently Taught Courses

HIS 1526G/1596G: World History: The 20th-Century World
HIS 1527G/1599G: World History: Gaming the Past
HIS 2020: U.S. since 1877
HIS 3200: Islamic History
HIS 3210: Modern Middle East
HIS 3555: Modern World
HIS 3600: U.S. Constitution and the Nation
HIS 4775
: Special Topics: The British Empire & the Islamic World
HIS 4781: The Arab-Israeli Conflict
HIS 4782: Modern Iran 
HIS 4785: Crusade & Jihad: Religious Violence in the Islamo-Christian Tradition 
HIS 47701/59901: Independent Study: Persian Language
HIS 57001: Seminar in Nationalism and National Identity
HIS 57002: Seminar in the Islamic World & the West


Research & Creative Interests

Modern Middle East, 19th- & 20th-century Iran, Khuzistan, nationalism, tribal & ethnic groups, imperialism, urbanization, labor, social movements

Professional Affiliations

Middle East Studies Association
International Society for Iranian Studies