
Dr. Claudia Janssen Danyi
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Dr. Claudia Janssen Danyi

Associate Professor/Director of the B.A. in Public Relations Office: 2544 - Buzzard Hall
Phone: 217-581-6003
Email: cijanssen@eiu.edu


CMN 4460

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CMN 4921I

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Education & Training

Ph.D., Brian Lamb School of Communication, Purdue University, 2011

M.A. Technichal University Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig, Germany, 2006

Conference Presentations

Janssen Danyi, C.I. (2022). Corporate Historical Responsibility. Invited presentation at the inaugural History Matters!-Conference of the Center for Corporate History and Communication (Universität Leipzig) and the Guenther-Thiele Stiftung. Jewish Museum Frankfurt, Germany.

Janssen Danyi, C. I. (2022). Corporate history and CSR communication. Competitively selected for presentation at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association. Paris, France (presented virtually).

Janssen Danyi, C.I. (2021). #MeToo Moments: Retrospective crises as an organizational crisis type. Competitively selected for presentation at the annual convention of the European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) and the Paper Development Workshop, Pamplona, Spain.

Janssen Danyi, C. I. (2020). #MeToo Moments: Retrospective crises as an organizational crisis type. Top 4 Paper. Competitively selected for presentation at the annual convention of the Central States Communication Association (CSCA), Strategic Communication Division, Chicago (conference canceled/COVID).

Janssen Danyi, C.I. & Gronnvoll, M. (April, 2019). The Heavy Heart of a Soldier: Apology as Resistance. Top 4 Paper presented at the annual convention of the Central States Communication Association (CSCA), Rhetorical Theory and Criticism Division, Omaha.

Janssen Danyi, C.I. (April, 2019). NGOs, #MeToo, and Organizational Crises: Oxfam Responds to Sexual Harassment and Abuse Scandal. Competitively selected paper presented at the annual convention of the Central States Communication Association (CSCA), Public Relations Division, Omaha.


Janssen Danyi, C. I. (2023). Corporate History and CSR Communication. In: A. O’Connor (Ed.). . Routledge: New York, NY.

Janssen Danyi, C.I. (2022). Kommunikations-Management (Communication Management). In: R. Stober & N. Orthmann (Eds.). 2nd Edition. Kohlhammer:  Stuttgart, Germany.

Janssen Danyi, C.I. & Gronnvoll, M. (2020). The Heavy Heart of a Soldier: Apology as Resistance. In L. Villadsen & J. Edwards, Lexington.

Janssen Danyi, C.I. (2019). In J. Servas, Handbook of Communication for Development and Social Change. Springer.

Janssen Danyi, C.I. & Chaudhri, V. (2019). In J. Servas, Handbook of communication for development and social change. Springer. 

Fähnrich, B., Janssen Danyi, C.I. & Nothhaft, H. (2015). Journal of Communication Management, 19(1), pg. 20-38.

Janssen Danyi, C.I.(2014). Kommunikative Herausforderungen an die Sicherheitswirtschaft: Legitimierung, Reputation und Krisenkommunikation.(Communicative challenges for the security industry: Legitimation, reputation and crisis communication). R. Stober (ed.). Hamburg, Verlag Dr. Kovacs.

Janssen, C. I. (2013). Journal of Applied Communication Research. 

Fähnrich, B. & Janssen, C. I. (2013). Kommunikative Herausforderungen in der akademischen Weiterbildung (Communicative Challenges in Professional Education). In E.Cendon, R.Grassl, A.Pellert (Eds.):V(135--146). Münster, Waxmann Verlag.

Janssen,C.I.(2013).‘Es tut uns leid‘ - Unternehmensentschuldigungen in der Krisenkommunikation (We are sorry: Corporate Apologies in Crisis Communication).Pressesprecher, 7, .48-&;&;&ܰ;49.

Janssen, C.I. (2013).  Communication Director, 2, pg.64-67.

Janssen, C.I. (2012). Communication Studies 63 (1), pg. 18-35.

Jensen, R. E., Doss, E., Janssen, C. I., & Bower, S. (2010). Communication Theory, 20(1), pg. 1-20.

Funding & Grants

CFR Grant 2015/2016
Redden Grant 2015
Redden Grant 2016
Redden Grant 2017

Frequently Taught Courses

CMN 3930 Strategic Messages and Influence

CMN 3960 Public Relations Writing and Production

CMN 3890 Strategic Social Media Communication

CMN 4030 Seminar in Communication Studies

CMN 4920 Public Relations Case Studies

CMN 4921 Seminar in Public Relations

CMN 5015 Communication Ethics

CMN 5260 Communication in Science/Technical Organizations

CMN 5700 Public Relations

CMN 5720 Seminar in Pubilc Relations