
Ms. Jill K. Fahy
Introduction Education & Training Conference Presentations Publications Frequently Taught Courses Professional Affiliations Update your profile

Ms. Jill K. Fahy

Director, STEP Program; Professor, CDS Office: 1311 - Klehm Hall
Phone: 217-581-6361
Fax: 217-581-7105
Email: jkfahy@eiu.edu


Jill Fahy, Professor in the Department of Communication Disorders & Sciences, serves as the Director of STEP, a transitional education program for 91成人视频 students with autism. STEP programming supports the development of executive functions, social communication, self-appraisal, and self-regulatory skills to facilitate students' management of their academic and university living demands. Ms. Fahy specializes in the assessment of executive dysfunction, particularly as it is associated with concomitant disorders of language, cognition, or social/pragmatics. She is a widely-known lecturer in the area of executive functions, speaking nationally and internationally on aspects of evaluation and treatment of executive dysfunction, and the role of language in executive functions. Ms. Fahy is co-author of The Source for Development of Executive Functions, 2nd edition, and various articles on self-talk and executive functions.  Ms. Fahy teaches graduate courses in Aphasia/Right Hemisphere Disfunction,  Cognitive-Communication and Executive Function Disorders, and Medical Grand Rounds. She previously taught undergraduate courses in Neurology and Advanced Clinical Practicum and Diagnostics. Prior to teaching at 91成人视频, Ms. Fahy worked for several years as a medical SLP providing services for patients with acquired neurological deficits resulting from stroke and TBI, including those in acute care, inpatient and day rehabilitation, and home health.  

Education & Training

MA+30         Clinical/School Psychology, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL              December, 2011
Master of Arts        Speech and Hearing Science, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL     May 1992
Bachelor of Arts      French, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL.                          May 1988

Conference Presentations

Professional Presentations



International Presentations
Fahy, J. (2013).  Executive Functions and Language:  Current Insights & Future Implications.  Keynote
Speaker, Audiologopaedisk Forening (ALF) 2013 Conference, Nyborg, Denmark.  March 20. 
National Presentations

Fahy, J. (2019). Diagnosing Executive Dysfunction in School-Aged Children. Iowa Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Des Moines, IA. October 17.

Fahy, J. (2019).  Relationships between Language and Executive Function for Planning and Self-Regulation. Iowa Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Des Moines, IA. October 17.  

Fahy, J. (2019). Diagnosing Executive Dysfunction in School-Aged Children. Speechpathology.com Webinar. September 17.

Fahy, J. (2019). Relationships between Language and Executive Functions for Planning and Self-Regulation. Speechpathology.com Webinar. September 24. 

Fahy, J. (2017). Management of Executive Dysfunction in School-aged Children.  Los Angeles County Administrators of Special Education (LACASE), Long Beach, CA.  March 29. 

Fahy, J. (2015).  Executive Dysfunction in Children:  The SLP’s Role in Assessment and Treatment.  Ventura Co. SELPA, Camarillo, California.  November 20.  

Fahy, J. (2015).  What to Do about Executive Dysfunction.  West Kentucky Special Education Cooperative, Murray, Kentucky.  October 16.

Fahy, J. (2015).  Executive Dysfunction in School-Aged Children, United Federation of Teachers—Speech Chapter, Spring Workshop, New York City, NY.  May 2 and May 3.  

Fahy, J. (2015).  Executive Dysfunction in Children:  The SLP’s Role in Assessment and Treatment.  HTA of New York, Westchester, New York.  March 4.

Fahy, J. (2014).  Understanding & Treating Executive Dysfunction, Wayne Co. Speech Language Hearing Association, Workshop Series 2014-2015, Livonia, MI.  October 6.  

Fahy, J. (2014).  Executive Functions in the Classroom, West Kentucky Special Education Cooperative, Summer Institute, Hopkinsville, KY.  July 23.

Fahy, J. (2014).  Assessment and Treatment of Executive Dysfunction in Children & Adolescents, Butler
County Educational Service Center Continuing Education Conference, Hamilton, OH.  January 10.

Fahy, J. (2013).  Assessment and Treatment for Executive Function Disorders in the Educational Environment. 
Southwestern Ohio School Psychologists Association Annual Fall Conference, Cincinnati, OH.  October

Fahy, J. (2012).  Executive Functions in Education:  How to Make a Difference for Students.  Keynote Speaker, Metro Speech Language Network 2012 Symposium, Denver, CO.  February 3.

Fahy, J. (2011).  Executive Functions in Education.  Ohio School Speech Pathology Educational Audiology Coalition, Columbus, OH.  October 23. 

Fahy, J. (2011).  Assessment and Treatment for Executive Function Disorders in the Educational Environment.  Hamilton County Education Center, Cincinnati, OH.  March 25.

Fahy, J. (2011).  Making Sense of Executive Functions.  Central Illinois Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Bloomington, IL.  March 8. 

 Trainor, K., Fahy, J., & Throneburg, R. (2010). Relationship between preschool executive function skills and oral narrative skills. November 20, ASHA Program Guide, pg 152.

Scaliatine, C. Veale, T., Richard, G., Fahy, J. (2009).  Perspective-Taking in Adolescents With Asperger’s Syndrome & Nonverbal Learning Disorders.  November 2009. ASHA Program Guide. 

Fahy, J. (2009). Executive Functions:  Understand, Evaluate, and Treat EF Deficits in Your Caseload.  Montana Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Billings, MT.



Fahy, J. (2009). Executive Functions in Patients with Acquired Brain Injuries.  Iowa Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Des Moines, IO.

Fahy, J. (2009). Executive Function Deficits in School-Aged Children:  How to Make a Difference.  Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, OH.

Fahy, J. (2009). Executive Functions in Children & Adolescents:  What Goes Wrong, and How to Make a Difference.  Continuing Education Programs of America, Indianapolis, IN.

Fahy, J. (2009).  Understanding the Development of Executive Functions in Young Children.  STAR Net Region II, Chicago, IL.

Fahy, J. (2009).  Demystifying Executive Functions:  Treatment and Management.  Kidz Therapy Services, LLC, Long Island, NY. 

Fahy, J. (2008). Executive Functions & Language:  Tools for Thinking& Regulating. American Speech- Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention; Chicago,  IL.

Fahy, J. (2008).  Executive Functions:  Understanding, Evaluating, Treating; Continuing  Education Programs of America; Boston, MA.

Fahy, J. (2008).  Executive Functions in the Classroom; Quad-Cities Speech-Language-Hearing Association; East Molin


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Cameron, L., Teller, L., Throneburg, R., Mulvey, N., & Fahy, J. (2024). A 10-Year Retrospective Case Study of the Relation between Four Summative Assessment Measures in a Graduate Speech-Language Pathology Program. Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences & Disorders.

Fahy, J. & Browning, K. (2021). Adolescent Language Therapy: Syntax and Semantics for Reasoning and Planning. ASHA SIG 1 Perspectives on Language Learning and Education.

Fahy, J. (2014).  Assessment of Executive Functions in School-aged Children:  Challenges and Solutions for the SLP. ASHA SIG 16 Perspectives on School-Based Issues, 15, 151-163.  
Fahy, J. (2014).  Language and Executive Functions:  Self-Talk for Self-Regulation. ASHA SIG 1 Perspectives on Language Learning and Education, 21, pp. 61-71.
Burns, M. & Fahy, J. (2010).  Broca’s Area:  Rethinking Classical Concepts from a Neuroscience Perspective.  Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, Volume 17, Number 6, Nov-Dec, 401-410.

Fahy, J. and Richard, G. (2017). The Source:  Development of Executive Functions, 2nd Edition. Austin, TX: Pro-Ed.
Richard, G. and Fahy, J. (2005). The Source for Development of Executive Functions. East Moline, IL: LinguiSystems, Inc.

Frequently Taught Courses

    CDS 5300 Aphasia and Right Hemisphere Dysfunction (2007 – Present) 
    CDS 5350 Cognitive-Communication/Executive Dysfunction Disorders (2018 – Present) 
    CDS 5915 Advanced Clinical Diagnosis and Assessment (2019 new course) 
    CDS 5800 Grand Rounds in CDS – Medical (2008 – Present)
    CDS 3500 Neurological/Embryological Aspects of Communication 2011 – Present) 
    CDS 5910 Advanced Diagnostic Practicum (2004 – Present) 
    CDS 5900 Advanced Clinical Practicum (2004 – Present) 

Professional Affiliations

Member, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), 1992 - Present

Member, Illinois Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ISHA), 1992 - Present

Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist, State of Illinois, #146.004079, 1992 - Present

Certificate of Clinical Competence, American Speech-Language Hearing Assoc., #01090533, 1993 – Present