Dr. Robert E. Colombo
Education & Training Publications Funding & Grants Research & Creative Interests Update your profile

Dr. Robert E. Colombo

Professor Office: 2112 - Life Sciences Annex
Email: recolombo@eiu.edu
Website: /fisheries/

Education & Training

12/2007           Ph.D., Fisheries and Illinois Aquaculture Center and Department of Zoology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
                        Dissertation Title: Population Demographics and the Ecological Role of the Channel Catfish (Ictaluruspunctatus) in Commercially Exploited and                                       Unexploited Reaches of the Wabash River with Implications for the Flathead Catfish (Pylodictus olivaris).
                        Major advisors: James E. Garvey, Ph.D. and Roy C. Heidinger, Ph.D.
2004                M.S., Zoology, Fisheries and Illinois Aquaculture Center and Department of Zoology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
                        Thesis Title: Reproductive Demographics and Early Life History of the Shovelnose Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus)
                         Major advisor: James E. Garvey, Ph.D.
1998                B.S., magna cum laude, Biology1998, SUNY Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, New York
                        Major advisor: Neal Ringler, Ph.D.


Manuscripts in Review:

Mulhollem, J.J., R.E. Colombo, and D. H. Wahl. In Review. Effects of heated effluent on Midwestern U.S. lakes: Implications for future Climate Change. Submitted to Global Change Biology.

Hintz, W.D., D.C. Glover, K.J. Kilgore, D.P. Herzog, T.W. Spier, R.E. Colombo, R.A. Hrabik, and J.E. Garvey. Submitted November 2014 - Accepted pending revision. Fish conservation and ecology using a regression tree approach: habitat restoration priorities for Scaphirhyncus strugeon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.

*Moody, C.J., G. Sass, E.K. Bollinger, L. Frankland, and R.E. Colombo. Submitted February 2015- In Review. Demographics and sampling efficiency of flathead catfish, Pylodictis olivaris, in the Wabash River, Illinois/Indiana, USA. Submitted to Fisheries Management and Ecology.

*Hastings, R. S. Meiners, T. Thomas, and R. Colombo. In Review. When to Sample: Seasonal Shifts in Dam Effects on Fish Assemblages.  Submitted to Fisheries Management and Ecology

*Wildenberg, A., J.R. Larson, C.L. Pederson, C.J. Moody, and R.E. Colombo. In Review. Effect of treated wastewater effluent on mussel community composition in a Midwestern River. Submitted to Freshwater Science

Bollinger, E.K. and R.E. Colombo. In Review. Long-term Comparison of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages in Two Illinois Creeks. Submitted to American Midland Naturalist

 Published Manuscripts

*Martinez, E., A.P. Porreca, R.E. Colombo, and M.A. Menze. In Press. Tradeoffs of Warm Adaptation in Aquatic Ectotherms: Live Fast Die Young. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology.

*Nepal KC, V., L.D. Frankland, and R.E. Colombo. 2015. Demographics of the Shovelnose Sturgeon in the Lower Wabash River.  Submitted to the North American Journal of Fisheries Management.

*Stuck, J., A. Porreca, D. Wahl and R. Colombo. 2015. Contrasting population demographics of invasive Silver Carp Hypopthalmicthys molitrix between an impounded and free flowing river. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 35:114-122.

*Porreca, A.P., C.L. Pederson, J.R. Laursen, and R.E. Colombo. 2013. A Comparison of Electrofishing Methods and Fyke Netting to Produce Reliable Abundance and Size Metrics. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 28: 585-590.

*Koch, B, R.C. Brooks, A. Oliver, D. Herzog, J.E. Garvey, R. Hrabik, R. Colombo, Q. Phelps, and T. Spier. 2011. Habitat Selection and Movement of Naturally Occurring Pallid Sturgeon in the Mississippi River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:112-120.

*Shuangying, Y., R.S. Holbrook, D.W. Sparling, and R.E. Colombo. 2011. Metal Accumulation and evaluation of effects in a freshwater turtle. Ecotoxicology 20: 1801-1812.

*Colombo, R.E., Q.E. Phelps, C.M Miller, J.E. Garvey, R.C. Heidinger, and N.S. Richardson. 2010. Comparison of channel catfish age estimates and resulting population demographics using two common structures. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30: 305-308.

Schrey, A., R. Colombo, J. Garvey, and E. Heist. 2009. Stock Structure of the Shovelnose Sturgeon from the Mississippi River Drainage. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 25: 625-631.

Phelps, Q.P., D.P. Herzog, R.C. Brooks, V.A. Barko, D.E. Ostendorf, J.W. Ridings, S.J. Tripp, R.E. Colombo, J.G. Garvey, and R.A. Hrabick. 2009. Seasonal Comparison of Catch Rates and Size Structure Using Three Gear Types to Sample Sturgeon in the Middle Mississippi River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29: 1487-1495.

Tripp, S.J., R.E. Colombo, and J.E. Garvey. 2009. Changing demographics of sturgeon in the Middle Mississippi River: Potential harvest responses. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.

Tripp, S.J., R.E. Colombo, and J.E. Garvey, B.M. Burr, D.P. Herzog, and R.A. Hrabik.2009. Assessing the life history strategy of the shovelnose sturgeon in the Middle Mississippi River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.

Colombo, R.E., Q.E. Phelps, J.E.Garvey, R.C. Heidinger, and T. Stefanavage. 2008. Gear-Specific Population Demographics of Channel Catfish in a Large Un-impounded Midwestern River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28: 241-246.

DeGrandchamp, K.L., J.E. Garvey, and R.E. Colombo. 2008. Using habitat selection to predict establishment of invasive Asian carps in a large river. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137: 45-56.

Colombo, R.E., J.E. Garvey, N.D. Jackson, R. Brooks, D.P. Herzog, R.A. Hrabik, and T.W. Spier. 2007. Harvest of Mississippi River sturgeon drives abundance and reproductive success: a harbinger of collapse? Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 23: 444-451.

Colombo, R.E., J.E. Garvey, and P.S.Wills.2007. A Guide to the embryologic development of the shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchusplatorhynchus) reared at constant temperature. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 23: 402-419.

Colombo, R.E., J.E. Garvey, and P.S.Wills.2007. Gonadal development and sexual demographics of the shovelnose sturgeon, Scaphirhyncusplatorhynchus, in the Middle Mississippi River. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 23: 420-427.

Jackson, N.D., J.E. Garvey, and R.E. Colombo. 2007. Comparing aging precision of calcified structures in shovelnose sturgeon. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 23: 525-528.

Colombo, R.E., P.S. Wills and J.E. Garvey. 2004. Use of ultrasound imaging to determine the sex of shovelnose sturgeon from the Middle Mississippi River. North American Journal of Fish Management 24: 322-326.


Funding & Grants

Colombo, R.E., S. Meiners and E.K Bollinger. 2015-2016. Long Term River Monitoring Program of the Wabash River. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Federal Aid in Sportfish Restoration. $357,135
Smith, S., D. Keeney, and R. Colombo. 2015-2016. Impact of Dams on the Genetic Structure of Fish Populations. Illinois Water Resource Center. $8158
Colombo, R.E. and A. Resende da Maia. 2014-2016. Monitoring to Support Embarras River Watershed plan and Support, Evaluate Restoration Activities in Kickapoo Creek. $140,000. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Colombo, R.E., S. Meiners and E.K Bollinger. 2014-2015. Long Term River Monitoring Program of the Wabash River. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Federal Aid in Sportfish Restoration. $375,932
Colombo, R.E., D. Keeney and S. Meiners. 2014-2016. Impacts of Dam Removals on Fish and Macroinvertebrate Community Assemblage. US Fish and Wildlife State Wildlife Initiative Grant. $30,000.
Colombo, R.E., S. Meiners and E.K Bollinger. 2013-2014. Long Term River Monitoring Program of the Wabash River. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Federal Aid in Sportfish Restoration. $375,933
Colombo, R.E. and E. Bollinger. 2012-2013. Demographics of Catfish Populations in the Wabash River. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Federal Aid in Sportfish Restoration. $84,000
Colombo, R.E. and A. Schrey. 2010-2014. Monitoring the populations of sportfish in an Illinois power cooling lake. AMEREN Electrical Generation Co. $176,000
Colombo, R.E., J. Laursen, and C. Pederson. 2010-2015. Biotic assessment of water quality in a stretch of the Sangamon River. Sanitary District of Decatur. $328,943
Colombo, R.E. 2010-2015. Assessment of Asian Carp Recruitment in the Illinois River. Illinois Natural History Survey. $165,000
Colombo, R.E. 2010-2015. Sportfish movement on the Wabash River. Illinois Department of Natural Resources. $50,000
Colombo, R.E. 2010-2013. Demographics of flathead catfish on the Wabash River. Illinois Natural History Survey. $54,000
Pederson, C.P. and R.E. Colombo. 2010-2012. Lake/Reservoir Phytoplankton Biocriteria. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. $22,000
Colombo, R.E. 2009-2011. Restoration of Kickapoo Creek. Illinois Department of Natural Resources. $20,000

Research & Creative Interests

My research focuses on how fish populations respond to anthropogenic impacts.  Specifically, I am interested in the responses of native fishes to harvest, invasive species and habitat alterations.  Most of my research focuses on commercially or ecologically important species in lotic (flowing) water system.