Dr. Teshome Abebe
Professor Laureate, and Professor of Economics Office: 2361 - Coleman HallPhone: 217-549-9116
Email: tabebe@eiu.edu
Welcome to my page, and thank you for your interest!
I take enormous pride and great pleasure both in teaching my students as well as interacting with them. My style of teaching may be viewed as ‘translational’ in that it focuses, in part, in translating economic theory to people whose exposure to the field is limited at best. In this way, my aim is to enhance the adoption of better attitudes on the part of my students as well as Best Practices to the teaching and learning process while at the same time facilitating the application of research findings to the various topics or economic issues of the day. This ensures that there is a sequential integration of theory with practice as called for in our curriculum.
If I am privileged enough to have you in one of my classes, I will explore with you why Economics has always been about relationships and connections: the connection of people to people, the connection of ideas to tested data, and the connection of human wants to limited resources.
My 91成人视频 Story
Academic Leadership
Graduate Program Coordinator—ENMU (1981-1983)
Department Chair—CSU-Pueblo (1983-1986)
Dean of the School of Business—CSU-Pueblo (1986-1990)
Associate Provost—CSU-Pueblo (1990-1993)
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs—FSU (1993-1998)
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs—91成人视频 (1998-2000)
Education & Training
BA-Economics (ISU)
MA-Economics (ISU)
Ph.D.-Economics (NIU)
Conference Presentations
Publications of Interest
"The Dragon's Quest in Africa", https://www.nazret.com/2017/07/23/ethiopia-the-dragons-quest-in-africa/
"Belarusian Export Potential: A Gravity Model Approach", with Alena Kalodzitsa; International Journal of Social and Economic Research, Vol: 01, Issue: 09 (2016), ISSN: 2455-8834.
"The Conundrum of Illicit Financial Flows", ethiomedia.com, November 14, 2014.
Prices and Monetary Policy in Ghana: A Case of Two Policy Instruments, with Nana Quaicoe, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2014.
Africa’s Odious Debts: How Foreign Loans and Capital Flight Bled a Continent, Leonce Ndikumana and James K. Boyce. London: Zed Books, 2011, Book Review, The Journal of Economics, Volume XXXVIII, No. 1, 2012. Pp. 99-102.
“Lessons of Peace and Development, Gurage Entrepreneurship in Ethiopia”, Daniel Teferra, University Press of America, Inc. 2008. Excerpts from my review of this book were prominently included on the outside cover of the book.
“The Ethiopian Commodity Exchange: Performance and Promise within the Context of a Developing Country That Is in Transition” was completed during a sabbatical assignment in fall 2010, and was presented at a regional conference, fall 2011.
“Why Demarcation Would Not Produce Peace”, http://www.ethiopiafirst.com/news2007/Feb/Not-Produce-Peace.html, February, 2007.
“Curriculum Transformation to Prepare Students for a Diverse World”, with Z. Abebe, Directions, Fall 2004, Vol. 33, No. 2.
“Close Encounters: A Pilgrimage of Penance and Expiation”, in African Perspectives in American Higher Education: Invisible Voices, Festus E. Obiakor and Jacob U. Gordon, Editors, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2003.
Strategic Management: A Global Perspective—Concepts and Cases, with A. Ahmadian and H. Akbari, 1988, Ginn Press.
Readings in Business Policy and Strategic Management, with A. Ahmadian, 1986, Ginn Press.
Introduction to Economics: A Systematic Approach, A Manuscript Developed for Macroeconomics, 1981, Eastern New Mexico University.
On-Going Work of Interest
“Risk Aversion, Immortality and the Economics of Adopting Girls—Probabilistic Thinking in Adoptions”.
“Pricing and Market Penetration of Generic Drugs—a Changing Strategic Predicament for the Pharmaceutical Industry”.
“The Coase Theorem and the Market for Divorce—An Expository Reformulation”.
“Federalism and Unequal Development—The Ethiopian Experiment”.
“The Rate of Monetization and Foreign Direct Investment: A Case Study of Loose Money”
“Causes of Poverty—A Case Study of Sub-Saharan African Countries”
These include many essays and opinion pieces that have appeared in highly specialized and recognized on-line publications and read by thousands of persons all over the world. My aim is to teach economics to non-economists by employing economic principles to issues that are common to all. These essays are available upon request or may be obtained online.
Frequently Taught Courses
Courses Taught
Pop Culture Economics
Economics of Sports
Economics of Social Issues
Business and Government
Area Studies—North and East Africa
Intermediate Microeconomics