Faculty Laureate Nomination
The nominee . . .
- Must be a current full-time member of the 91成人视频 teaching faculty. Department Chairs and bargaining unit members in either Unit A or Unit B are eligible for the award.
- Must have demonstrated an ongoing commitment to excellence in the general education curriculum.
- Applications from traditionally under-represented groups are highly encouraged.
Nomination Process
- Faculty, administrators, or students may make nominations; self-nomination is encouraged.
- Faculty from any discipline may be nominated.
- Knowledge and consent of the nominee are required for nominations.
Nominations must include:
A letter of nomination, no longer than 500 words, articulating why the nominee is a good candidate for faculty laureate.
One letter of recommendation (one page maximum) that highlights the nominee’s contribution to general education at 91成人视频. Either the letter of recommendation or the letter of nomination must come from a faculty member or administrator who has observed the nominee in teaching a general education course, or from someone who is familiar with the nominee’s accomplishments with general education.
All available information regarding student evaluations from general education courses for four semesters within the last three years, or supporting documents for nominees who have contributed in other ways to general education.
- A statement from the nominee on the value of general/liberal education, not to exceed 300 words.
The candidate also may provide any other information relevant to excellence in teaching general education courses.