Required Syllabus Statements
Academic integrity- Students are expected to maintain principles of academic integrity and conduct as defined in 91成人视频’s Code of Conduct /deanofstudents/conductcode.php. Violations will be reported to the Dean of Students. /deanofstudents/
Students with disabilities- If you are a student with a documented disability in need of accommodations to fully participate in this class, please contact the Office of Accessibility and Accommodations. All accommodations must be approved through Office of Accessibility and Accommodations. Please stop by McAfee Gym, Room 1336, or call 217-581-6583 to make an appointment.
Academic Support Center-Students who could use additional help achieving their academic goals are encouraged to contact the Academic Support Center /academicsupportcenter/. The Academic Support Center provides individual consultations, as well as assistance with time management, test taking, note taking, avoiding procrastination, setting goals, and other skills to support academic achievement. In addition, Academic Alerts may be utilized by faculty to help students who are not making academic progress or are not attending classes regularly get connected with the Academic Support Center and other important resources. To make an appointment, call 217-581-6696, or go to McAfee Gym, Room 2230.