- Prospective Students
- Current Students
- Faculty
- Alumni and Friends
- Degree Programs
- Continuing Education
- Academy of Lifelong Learning
- Staff
First Meeting Sign-in Roster & Phone Tree - the students will sign the document in order to verfiy attendance on the first day of class and to notify students of cancellations or other changes.
A copy of the roster & phone tree needs to be mailed or faxed to the School of Extended Learning the day after the class begins.
Please mail or fax the information to:
Eastern Illinois University
The School of Extended Learning
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920Fax: 217/581-6697
Please note: No food or drink is allowed in classrooms at community colleges.
Online Courses - verify roster through PAWS
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-5114
600 Lincoln Avenue, Buzzard Hall Room 1328
(217) 581-7415