Eastern Illinois University
College of Arts and Humanities
CU Pool Awards for AY17 (to be reviewed in Fall 2015)
2015 Proposal Format: Questions for Research/Creative Activity/Special Project Proposals
All proposals shall be submitted to: /apps/cupool
Deadline to submit proposal is 11:59 PM Thursday, October 22, 2015
You are asked to respond to all items, including the following information: Name, Department, Year Tenure Granted, and Number of CUs Requested (3 or 6). Do not exceed the word count limits.
- Summarize the research/creative activity/special project. Include a statement of the central research question or objective, artistic discovery or objective, or special project objective of the work to be undertaken. (400 word limit)
- Explain the context and significance of the work to be undertaken. Indicate the expected value of the work undertaken and the contribution it will make to an understanding of the topic or to artistic and/or technical innovations in the discipline. (300 word limit)
- Explain the feasibility of the proposed work. State the steps you will take to implement and complete the project, and your anticipated schedule. (300 word limit)
- Explain your preparation to undertake the work successfully. (200 word limit)
- Explain the potential for this project to link your development as a teacher, scholar, or artist with your scholarly or creative work. Be specific. (200 word limit)
- Explain the value of this project to the University, the College, the Department, and its students and programs. Be specific. (100 word limit)
- Report of previous award(s). If you have received an award from the CU Pool, briefly explain the results you achieved with the award. (100 word limit)
- Vita. Please attach a current vita and mark with an asterisk(*) any publications, papers, performances, or exhibitions related to the proposed project or which indicate your ability to complete the proposed project. The vita may not exceed five (5) single-sided pages. For joint proposals, each applicant must supply a vita.
- Supportive materials. If you think it necessary, you may include supportive materials that have been scanned and electronically submitted. This material my not exceed three (3) single-sided pages.
Additional Information
See 2015 Guidelines for Research/Creative Activity/Special Project CU Pool Applicants.