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Eastern Illinois University
College of Arts and Humanities 
CU Pool Awards for AY17 (to be reviewed in Fall 2015)

2015 Guidelines for Research/Creative Activity/Special Project CU Pool Applicants

Deadline to submit proposal is 11:59 PM Thursday, October 22, 2015

All tenured Unit A faculty in the College of Arts and Humanities may apply.  An eligible faculty member may not receive an award in more than two consecutive academic years.  Members of the college-level review committee are not eligible to apply.

Please note: for proposals of approximately equal merit, preference will be given to applicants who did not receive an award in the previous academic year.

Proposal Format
All proposals must be submitted electronically.

Length of Application
Word count limits are imposed for each application question.

Applicants should attach a current vita, with works related to the current proposal marked with an asterisk(*). Supporting materials may be included if necessary.

Number of Proposals Submitted
A faculty member may submit only one proposal in any given academic year.

Credit Unit Limitations
Proposals shall be for either three (3) or six (6) credit units.

Joint Proposals
A single proposal may be submitted by two or more eligible faculty members, but Credit Unit Limitations, as noted above, apply.

Proposals will be read by a diverse audience and should be free of jargon.

Submission of Proposals
All proposals shall be submitted to: /apps/cupool

On the left navigation tool select My Applications, then click on Fall 2015. Don’t forget to attach a current c.v. (step 3).

 One copy of the proposal shall be forwarded to the appropriate department chair on the date specified by the Provost and Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities. Proposals may not be altered or added to after submission to the department chair. Proposals submitted after the published deadline will not be reviewed by the College Review Committee.

Review Criteria
The College Review Committee will rank all proposals based on the responses to the questions listed in 2015 Proposal Format: Questions for CAH CU Pool Proposals.

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