Registration (enrollment) for Alert91成人视频 is accomplished through an enrollment notification to your campus email account providing a link to the . Every active student, faculty and staff member at 91成人视频 automatically receives Alert91成人视频 notices to their campus email account. Enrollment into Alert91成人视频 is encouraged in order to provide cellular telephone number(s) and or an alternate email account for notifications. Enrollment notification emails are sent out periodically to any members who are not yet registered. Once enrolled you may access the Alert91成人视频 member portal for any changes at the link below.
Alert 91成人视频 is a text-messaging system that alerts subscribers, via their cell phones, to emergency situations and (if needed) advises them to take action. The messages are short -- no longer than 160 characters. Messages will focus on possible threats on 91成人视频’s main campus.
Alert 91成人视频 is one part of Eastern Illinois University's Campus Emergency Notification System (ENS). With the addition of Alert 91成人视频, the institution has five means of communication with which to notify the campus community in event of an emergency situation.
In addition to Alert 91成人视频, students, faculty and staff should be aware of these methods of communication:
Please Note: The campus emergency siren/public address system is tested on the first Tuesday of every month first at 10 a.m. by the Coles County Emergency Services severe weather service and again at 10:30 a.m. by the Alert91成人视频 system.
All active students, faculty and staff of 91成人视频 are automatically members of Alert91成人视频 and receive all notifications via their 91成人视频 campus email account automatically. Enrollment into the member portal provides the ability to supply current cell number(s) and or an alternate email address for notifications.
As soon as a cell number is entered into the system through the member portal, new notifications will begin to be received at that number. Notifications are sent to 91成人视频 campus email accounts automatically regardless of enrollment status.
For those who do not have text-messaging contracts as part of their cellular service, there may be a small charge for any text messages that they receive. Individuals should check with their cell phone carriers to determine what those costs may be.
Eastern Illinois University's Emergency Notification System uses a number of methods of communication to notify its students, faculty and staff of an emergency. Collectively, these different tools (including outdoor warning sirens, e-mail, the 91成人视频 website and campus media) help ensure that important information is disseminated as quickly as possible.
NO. The Alert 91成人视频 text-messaging system will only be used for notification of emergencies requiring immediate action.
Simply login to the and remove any cell numbers listed there. You will continue to receive notifications to your campus email account.
A test message will be sent near the beginning of each fall and spring semester to ensure the system is working properly.
Yes, all active students, faculty and staff will receive any Alert91成人视频 notices through their campus email account.