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91³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Office of Internal Auditing

#73 - Tuition and Fee Waivers

Approved: December 23, 2019

Monitor: President


Tuition and fee waivers are an agreement between the student and the university to reduce or eliminate tuition and/or fees. All Illinois public universities are authorized to award two general types of tuition and fee waivers. These include mandatory waivers and discretionary waivers. Mandatory waivers are authorized by legislation and mandate an award to eligible students who meet the specific parameters and criteria included in the statute. An example of a mandatory waiver includes Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) Scholarships mandated by . Discretionary waivers are granted at the option of the University. Examples of discretionary waivers include talented student waivers, foreign student waivers, or faculty/staff waivers. Some discretionary waivers may be governed by state statute. An example is the gender equity in intercollegiate athletic waiver governed by .

Graduate School Responsibility

The Graduate School serves as the administrative unit responsible for overall monitoring of the University’s mandatory and discretionary waiver programs. This includes insuring that offices with the authority to administer waivers comply with Illinois Board of Higher Education guidelines, preparing an annual waiver budget for approval and developing and maintaining the University’s official list of mandatory and discretionary waiver programs. The official list includes identification of the waiver program by number, title, purpose, goals, eligibility criteria, application procedures, selection process, cut-off dates, and specific office authorized to administer the waivers. A list of waiver programs with corresponding administrative unit responsible along with financial reporting of budgeted, granted or expended within the particular fiscal year in which the corresponding tuition and fees are recognized as revenue will be shared with the Board of Trustees annually, pursuant to 23 Ill. Adm. Code 1075.600(a)(3).

Designated Offices of Authority External to the University

Mandatory waivers are required by state statute and are directly administered by offices or agencies external to the University. The Office of Financial Aid on the 91³ÉÈËÊÓƵ campus serves as the liaison between the external office of authority and the University. The Graduate School will provide the Office of Financial Aid with the required guidelines and will maintain a complete listing of the mandatory waiver programs and criteria. The designated external offices of authority are responsible for ensuring that waivers are administered according to the guidelines established by the Illinois Board of Higher Education. The Office of Financial Aid will ensure that students nominated for awards meet the designated institutional criteria and maintain eligibility in subsequent terms.

Designated Office of Authority at the University

Discretionary waivers are granted at the option of the University and administered by offices on the University campus. The Graduate School will provide offices of authority on campus with the required guidelines and will maintain a complete listing of the waiver programs and criteria. Designated Offices of Authority are responsible for ensuring that waivers are administered according to the guidelines established by the Illinois Board of Higher Education.

Discretionary Waiver Limitations

Departments are limited in the number of graduate assistantships they award by their graduate assistantship stipend budget determined by the Graduate School. Gender Equity in Intercollegiate Athletic (110 ILCS 205/9.24) waivers may not exceed one percent (1%) of the gross undergraduate tuition revenue.

Mandatory Waiver Programs

IBHE Number

Title & Statute

Purpose & Goal

Eligibility & Selection Criteria


Teacher Scholarships: Special Education Grants

Tuition waivers to provide incentives for students to pursue degrees in special education teacher training; partial fees are paid by a scholarship/matching account

Must be a US citizen or eligible non-citizen, Illinois resident, willing to teach learning impaired children, and be an Illinois high school graduate ranked in the upper half of the class or hold a valid teaching certificate not in the field of special education


General Assembly Scholarships 




Reserve Officers’ Training Corps 

Tuition waivers to provide incentives for students to pursue careers as future military officers; partial fees are paid by a scholarship/ matching account

Must be a Resident of Illinois, hold scholastic standing that will enable enrollment in ROTC, and meet registration compliance with Selective Service


Department of Children and Family Services

Tuition waivers to provide financial assistance for talented students whose care falls to the Department of Children and Family Services; all fees are paid by a scholarship/matching account

Must be under the care of DCFS and have completed 4 years of high school.


Children of Illinois University Employees 

, , , , , , , 

Partial tuition waivers for undergraduate education to retain highly qualified staff at the University by offering reduced tuition for their college-age children; fees are not waived

Parent or guardian of waiver recipient must have been employed by any public university for at least seven years


Senior Citizens 

Tuition waivers to provide tuition free credit courses for senior citizens that attend public institutions of higher education in Illinois; fees are not waived

Must be 65 or older with an annual household income below the threshold amount of the Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons Property Tax Relief and Pharmaceutical Assistance Act


Honorary to Children of Illinois Veterans 

Tuition waivers to provide four-year scholarships to the University of Illinois for children of persons who served in the armed forces.

Mandatory Only for the University of Illinois


Other Waivers Mandated by State Statute such as Illinois Veterans, National Guard and MIA/POW

Tuition waivers for special populations as veterans, MIA/POW, or other groups mandated by state statute; fees are partially waived

Must meet the criteria established in the statute for membership in the special group

Procedural Guidelines for Mandatory Tuition Waiver Programs

Mandatory waivers involve application procedures, eligibility criteria, and selection processes external to Eastern Illinois University. The Financial Aid Office retains eligibility rosters approved by the appropriate external agency as documentation that the student met the eligibility criteria for the tuition and/or fee waiver program.

Discretionary Waivers: Faculty and Staff

IBHE Number

Title & Office of Authority

Purpose & Goal

Eligibility & Selection Criteria


Faculty/ Administrators 

Benefits Office

Tuition and mandatory* fee waivers to provide educational benefits to the employees of the university and reward employee service

Must be a member of university faculty or administrative staff; not civil service


Civil Service Staff: University Employees

Benefits Office

Tuition and mandatory* fee waivers to provide educational benefits to the employees of the university and reward employee service.

Must be a member of university staff covered by the State Universities Civil Service System; not dependents


Civil Service Staff: Inter-institutional/Related Agencies

Benefits Office

Tuition waivers to provide educational benefits to the employees of the university and reward employee service; fees are not waived

Must be a member of another institution or agency whose positions are equivalent to positions of the university covered by the State Universities Civil Service System; reciprocal agreement with the institution or agency is on file; not dependents


Retired Employees

Benefits Office

Tuition and mandatory* fee waivers to provide educational benefits to former employees of the university and reward employee service.

Must have been a member of university faculty, administrative staff or employee covered by the State Universities Civil Service System at the time of retirement


Children of Deceased Employees

Benefits Office

Tuition and mandatory* fee waivers to provide educational benefits to employees’ dependents of the university and reward employee service.

Parent of dependent must have been a member of university faculty, administrative staff or employee covered by the State Universities Civil Service System at the time of death


Children of Employees

91³ÉÈËÊÓƵ does not participate

91³ÉÈËÊÓƵ does not participate

*Mandatory fees are fees that are required of all students.

Discretionary Waivers: Student Talent/Merit

IBHE Number

Title & Office of Authority

Purpose & Goal

Eligibility & Selection Criteria


Talented Student (Non-Athletic)

Art, Music, Journalism, Communication Studies, and Theater Departments; Honors College, Office of Student Programs

Tuition waiver to provide financial assistance to students with academic talent or special status; fees are not waived

Must meet academic record, academic talent, and/or special status criteria


Athletic Talented Student

Athletics Department

Tuition waiver to provide financial assistance to students with athletic talent; fees are not waived

Must meet academic record and athletic talent criteria; not for gender equity


Gender Equity in Intercollegiate Athletics

Athletics Office

Tuition waiver to provide financial assistance to students with athletic talent to achieve gender equity; fees are not waived

Must meet academic record and athletic talent criteria.


Foreign Exchange

Study Abroad Office

Tuition and fee waivers to foreign students to promote participation in foreign exchange programs.

Must meet academic record, academic talent, visa, and/or special status criteria



91³ÉÈËÊÓƵ does not participate

91³ÉÈËÊÓƵ does not participate


Foreign Student Waivers

International Students and Scholars

Tuition waivers granted to students whose home of record is outside the United States at the time of first admission to the university; fees are not waived

Must provide evidence that official home is outside the USA and meet academic record, other academic talent, or special status criteria



Graduate School

Waivers granted to students who also are receiving a fellowship for which service may not be required

Must meet academic record and other talent criteria

**Talented Student Waivers are provided to selected programs according to the procedures established by the Graduate School and approved by the President. The approved list of programs and waiver allocations is available in the Graduate School.

Discretionary Waivers: Student Need 

IBHE Number

Title & Office of Authority

Purpose & Goal

Eligibility & Selection Criteria


Financial Aid Waiver

Financial Aid Office

Tuition waiver to provide financial assistance to students who demonstrate financial need or hardship; fees are not waived

Must file FAFSA and be ineligible for the ISAC/MAP award, but meet the Federal Pell Grant eligibility criteria


Special Program Waiver

President’s Office

Tuition waiver to provide financial assistance to students who demonstrate financial need or hardship based on enrollment in special academic programs or other university activities; fees are not waived

Must meet financial need and/or enrollment in special programs or other university activities

Discretionary Waivers: Student Service

IBHE Number

Title & Office of Authority

Purpose & Goal

Eligibility & Selection Criteria


Cooperating Professionals

College of Education 

Tuition and fee waivers for graduate courses (4750 or higher) to provide educational benefits and financial incentives to professionals outside the university who supervise students in clinical experiences; textbook rental fees are not waived

Must perform the supervisory or related services and be enrolled in the university to apply the educational benefits


Research Assistants

Graduate School

Tuition waivers for graduate students to provide educational benefits and financial incentives; fees are not waived

Must perform the required services and be enrolled in the university to apply the educational benefits.


Teaching Assistants

Graduate School

Tuition waivers for graduate students to provide educational benefits and financial incentives; fees are not waived

Must perform the required services and be enrolled in the university to apply the educational benefits


Other Assistants

Graduate School

Tuition waivers for graduate students to provide educational benefits and financial incentives; fees are not waived

Must perform the required services and be enrolled in the university to apply the educational benefits


Contract/Training Grants

Graduate School

Tuition waivers to provide incentives to secure funds for an outside grant program; fees are not waived

Must perform the required services and be enrolled in the university to apply the educational benefits

Procedural Guidelines for Discretionary Waiver Programs

Determining Discretionary Waivers to be Awarded by the University

The Dean of the Graduate School establishes the annual tuition waiver budget in consultation with the University Tuition Waiver Advisory Board. Individual budgets for each tuition waiver program are determined by reviewing historical usage, projected enrollments, and projected tuition costs. The proposed budget is compared to various limitations for undergraduate tuition that have been established by the state. The final budget is forwarded to the President for approval.

The University defines minimum eligibility requirements for tuition waivers. Specific selection criteria are defined by the office of authority that awards the waiver. These criteria may exceed university minimums. Office of authority must develop specific and measurable written selection criteria and document that the student has met all requirements before awarding a tuition waiver. Copies of criteria established by offices of authority are available in the Graduate School. Students who are interested in a tuition waiver should complete an application provided by the officer that manages the waiver program. Units awarding tuition waivers are required to maintain records for a minimum of five years. Student records are maintained if there is pending or anticipated litigation.


Applications are available in the respective office for each waiver program and must be completed by the applicant and returned to the same office.

Eligibility Criteria

The University requires a minimum standard for all tuition waivers. Applicants must meet or exceed these requirements. Eligibility criteria are posted on web pages, specified in the University catalog and in the Financial Aid student handbook. Eligibility criteria are also available in each of the offices that administer the programs and is also available in the Graduate School.

Selection Process

Completed applications are ranked according to type of eligibility criteria. For example, applications may be ranked according to grade point average, ACT score, GRE score, or other criteria as approved for the program. Using the ranked criteria and other available data, applicants are selected for the program. Selection procedures are available in each of the offices that administer the programs and also in the Graduate School.

Record Keeping

The office awarding the tuition waiver is responsible for maintaining written documentation supporting the university approved waiver listing, application cutoff dates eligibility and selection criteria for each waiver program. The office is also responsible for maintaining a record of applicants who receive awards, a record of those who are not selected, selection records, award notifications, and procedures for entering waiver data into the university accounting system for a period not less than five years. After five years, the records may be disposed of if there is no litigation pending and all audits approved.

Cut-Off Dates for Accepting Waivers

Eastern Illinois University reports tuition and fee waivers within a consistent statewide fiscal year framework recommended by the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE). Instances where waivers are adjusted after the end of the fiscal year, the University utilizes a cut-off date recommended by IBHE to facilitate fiscal year reporting. Adjustments made after the cut-off date are allocated to the following fiscal year. There are no exceptions to this cut-off date.

Creating New Waiver Programs

All Illinois public universities annually provide the Board of Higher Education with a copy of its policies and procedures for administering tuition waiver programs. IBHE staff review the policies and procedures and report to the Board the results of that review in its evaluation of tuition waiver programs. Institutions report tuition waivers using only the categories listed in the Standard Tuition and Fee Waiver Chart of Accounts established by the IBHE. The IBHE must approve all university requests for additional waiver reporting categories not specifically listed in the Standard Tuition and Fee Waiver Chart of Accounts prior to reporting.

Documenting Award Processes

Through the Graduate School office, Eastern Illinois University uses a university-wide template/checklist to assure that files are complete for all recipients of tuition waivers. The template/checklist contains a description of the purpose of the tuition waiver program and department policies and procedures. This template/checklist contains an entry for each sponsoring academic or administrative unit and includes: 1) a description of how tuition waiver programs are advertised to both new and returning students; 2) stated eligibility criteria for both first-time and renewal awards; 3) stated selection and notification policies; and, 4) a statement of where and for how long student records are retained.

Overall Monitoring, Counting, and Reporting Waivers

As stated by the Illinois Board of Higher Education, each university must identify the administrative unit responsible for the overall monitoring for their tuition waiver program. That unit shall be responsible for assuring that procedures are in place and that waivers are awarded within the requirements of the State of Illinois and the policies and procedures of the University Board of Trustees. The designated administrative unit is responsible for assuring that their university adopt written policies and procedures and implement appropriate methods of counting and reporting the value and number of waivers. This is the responsibility of the Graduate School office at Eastern Illinois University. In addition, the University participates in all external audits conducted by the Auditor General’s Office and conducts internal audits of tuition and fee waivers.

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