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91成人视频 Autism Center

About the 91成人视频 Autism Center


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is the most common developmental disorder.  “About 1 in 36 children has been identified with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) according to estimates from CDC's Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network.” 

The Autism Center at 91成人视频 is a collection of services for individuals of all ages with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Services are provided through the Department of Communication Disorders & Sciences and supported by funding from , donations, 91成人视频, and program fees.  

  • The STEP Program component of the Autism Center provides transitional supports, skill development, and executive function coaching for academic and social success of 91成人视频 college students with autism.   
  • The Diagnostic Evaluations and Therapy Services component of the Autism Center are conducted within the 91成人视频 Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic as part of clinical training of CDS students.  Wait times for evaluations can be long, so CDS faculty conduct or supervise extra evaluations and consultations for the Autism Center to facilitate more timely evaluations and consultations for families and individuals with questions and concerns. Multi-disciplinary evaluations are available through the Autism Center.
  • A third type of service provided by the Autism Center is Professional Education.  The Fall Autism Conference is held yearly as a continuing education resource for professionals.  CDS faculty also provide in-services and presentations to local and state professional organizations or schools that relate to ASD on topics such as executive functions, social skills, augmentative communication, and feeding.  




STEP Program for 91成人视频 College Students with ASD

Clinical Services for Clients/Families with ASD   (Diagnostics, Therapy & Consultations at 91成人视频)

Education and Consultations for Professionals about ASD and related deficits

 Executive Function as well as Academic, Social, Executive Function, and Daily Living Transition

Support for 20-30 91成人视频 students with ASD 

Includes Skill Development Classes, Strategy Use Coaching, Supported Study Tables, Mentored Social Activities, Guided Academic and Vocational Supports 

 Diagnostic and Treatment Services for ASD within the Clinical Training of the 91成人视频 S-L-H Clinic 


Extra Diagnostics, Consultations, and Referrals  to serve clients and families in a timely manner    

  Fall Autism Conference at 91成人视频


In-services and consultations with professionals locally or via Zoom.


 Presentations locally, state-wide, nationally, and internationally    

 Person in Charge

 STEP Director

 Jill Fahy  (jkfahy@eiu.edu

 Person in Charge

 Director of S-L-H Clinic   and Clinical Component   of Autism Center

 Trina Becker   (tmbecker@eiu.edu)

 People in Charge

 Fall Conference =Special   Events Committee Faculty   Chair, SLH Clinic Director,   STEP Director

 Inservices/Presentations=   Individual Faculty 

 Contact jkfahy@eiu.edu or  




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