The College of Sciences Curriculum Committee (COSCC) is composed of faculty members from each academic unit in the college serving staggered three year terms and two undergraduate students with majors in the college serving one year terms.
The Dean of the College charges the committee to review all proposed curriculum changes including new programs, revised programs, new courses, revised courses, and minor changes such as course descriptions and course prerequisites. All curricular changes must be consistent with the college and university mission and goals, be in compliance with university academic rules and policies, and conform to format requirements.
COSCC provides a college level review of curriculum changes proposed by departments. After approval by COSCC, undergraduate proposals are reviewed by the Council on Academic Affairs, graduate proposals are reviewed by the Council on Graduate Studies, and proposals which are part of any teacher education curriculum are reviewed by the Council on Teacher Education.
Academic Year 2017-2018 Membership List
New Course Proposal Cost Justification Form
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600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920