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Declaring a Major or Minor

Declaring a Major

If an undergraduate is listed as undeclared and wants to declare a major, he/she must do so at the Academic Advising Center (Ninth Street Hall).

If an undergraduate student (with fewer than 60 s.h.) is presently a declared major in a department and wants to change that major or declare a second major, he/she must fill out the appropriate forms in the Office of the Registrar and Enrollment Management 1220 Old Main. Ms. Jennifer Porter is the person who handles these changes.

If an undergraduate student (with more than 60 s.h. or has applied for graduation) is presently a declared major in another department and wants to change that major or declare a second major, he/she must go to the appropriate Certifying Dean's Office for the new major. For the College of Sciences, that person is Janet Fopay in Old Main 2118.

Declaring a Minor

If an undergraduate is listed as undeclared and wants to declare a minor, he/she must do so at the Academic Advising Center (Ninth Street Hall).

If an undergraduate student (with fewer than 60 s.h.) is presently a declared major in a department and wants to add a minor, he/she must fill out the appropriate forms in the Office of the Registrar and Enrollment Management 1220 Old Main. Ms. Jennifer Porter is the person who handles these changes.

If an undergraduate student (with more than 60 s.h, or has applied for graduation) is presently a declared major and wants to declare a minor, he/she must go to their major Certifying Dean's Office. For the College of Sciences, that person is Janet Fopay in Old Main 2118.

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College of Sciences

Old Main 2118 Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920

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