National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA)
From left to right: Rud Watson (Advisor), Jordyn Glanton, Hannah Queener, Mary Deck, Susie Pickett, Gabrielle Zavala, Kaitlyn Kiesler, Trina Becker (Advisor)
NSSLHA is a pre-professional organization for students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in CDS. NSSLHA is an 91成人视频 registered student organization (RSO) that supports current students by providing social activities, volunteer opportunities, and information regarding the next steps in their professional-academic career. Events include:
- Campus wide events: Academic Foundations Day, Panther and the annual health fair.
- Educational programs such as guest speakers, study abroad information, grad school preparation, and future professional preparation for SLPs and AuDs.
- Social events such as the Welcome Back Picnic, Halloweenie Roast, the Illinois Marathon, the Winter Client-Clinician Party, and the Spring Awards Banquet.
- The 2023-2024 NSSLHA officers are as follows:
- President: Mary Deck (
- Vice President: Susie Pickett
- Secretary: Kaitlyn Kiesler (
- Treasurer: Jordyn Glanton
- Program Coordinator: Hannah Queener
- Autism Center Rep: Gabrielle Zavala
- Freshman & Sophomore Class Reps: Aubrey Kaufman & Jaylyn Kimbro (not pictured)

Fall 2017 NSSLHA Halloweenie Roast
The 91成人视频 Autism Center
The CDS department houses a center that provides clinical and consultation services for persons with autism and their families, provide outreach and in-service to education agencies, and enhance the clinical training of 91成人视频 graduates. For more information, visit the 91成人视频 Autism Center webpage: /autismcenter/

Light it up Blue 2017
NSSLHA Contributions
- Autism Speaks
- NSSLHA Most Outstanding Graduate Student Scholarship