You can apply online by setting up a My91成人视频 account. After processing of your initial application, you will receive a program-specific application within your My91成人视频 account.
Q: When is the deadline for submitting all materials?
January 31st, 2025
Q: When will the 2025 Interview day be held?
The 2025 Interview day will be held onFriday,February 28th, 2025, for those who are invited to interview. This interview is mandatory to be considered for admission.
Q: Do you admit students in the spring?
No. We admit students in the fall (August) only. The program is cohort based. This means that students take the same classes and proceed through the program together. On occasions, a student may begin on a part-time basis with approval from the chair.
Q: Can I apply if I have a bachelor’s degree in a different field?
Yes! In many cases, you can still apply to the program even if your bachelor’s is in a different field. Our review process is comprehensive and take into consideration many aspects of the students, including letters of references, performance in the interview and previous experiences with the field.
Q: How much does tuition costfor Graduate School (2024-2025)?
A parking permit for the full year is $100 or $50 a semester.
International Questions
Q: I am an international student. What are my chances of being admitted to the program?
We are not able to tell you your chances of being admitted into the program. In addition to meeting the requirement of the program, you are interviewed by two faculty members to determine whether you understand what counseling is. If the faculty is satisfied with your performance in the interview, your application materials are then reviewed by a committee.
Q: I received admission but was unable to secure a visa appointment or my visa was denied. Can I defer to the following year?
In order to defer your application from a previous semester, you will need to reapply for the desired semester. Once you have reapplied and the office of International Students and Scholars (OISS) is notified, your previous application will be canceled, and you will be able to move your admission forward. You will not need to resubmit all of your documents. If you received your visa, but could not make it for the previous semester, your application fee will be waived.
Q: Can my application fee be waived?
The application fee is only waived for university employees, McNair Scholars, veterans, and GN4U qualified participants. No fee waivers are awarded under any other circumstances.
For more questions concerning international education go to the Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS) FAQ page.
Graduate Assistantship Questions
Q: How do I apply for a graduate assistantship?
You may apply for a graduate assistantship in your My91成人视频 portal.
Q: Does an assistantship cover the cost of my fees?
Your graduate assistantship only provides a tuition waiver. This waiver covers your tuition only;you must pay your fees when you receive your bill.
Q: I worked as a graduate assistant this past year and would like to use my summer tuition waiver. How do I do that?
As a graduate assistant, you are entitled to one summer tuition waiver per academic year, regardless of whether or not you are working in the summer. You must inform The Graduate School of your intentions to use this waiver by filling out a summer tuition waiver form by April 30th.