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How to Post or Reply to a Discussion Thread

Written Tutorial Video Simulation (2:18)


A discussion thread is a post made in a discussion topic.  Examples of when an instructor might want to post a new discussion thread would be to add something more to the discussion or to post a summary of all previous discussion threads (by students) within the topic.  If you need to create a new discussion, go to the Create a Discussion tutorial.

To Post a Discussion Thread

  1. On the navbar in your course, select "Communication" > "Discussions"

  2. Select the title of the topic where you want to post a new thread. 

  3. Select "Start a new Thread"
    start thread image

  4. Enter the Subject.

  5. Enter your Post.

  6. Select the "Post" button.

To Reply to a Discussion Thread

  1. On the navbar in your course, select "Communication" > "Discussions"

  2. Select the Topic then select the thread to which you want to reply.

  3. To reply to the main thread post, select "Reply to Thread."
    To reply to a particular post inside the thread, Select "Reply" at the end of the post.

  4. Enter your Reply.

  5. Select the "Post" button.

How To Post or Reply to a Discussion Thread

Video Simulation (2:18)

The written tutorials and video simulations on the D2L Solutions site are developed and brought to you by the

Faculty Development and Innovation Center

phone 217-581-7051 :: email fdic@eiu.edu :: web www.eiu.edu/fdic 

Contact the FDIC for questions about the tutorials, to suggest topics for new tutorials, or to schedule a consultation appointment.  The FDIC staff can recommend integration solutions using D2L and other instructional technologies for your online, hybrid, and face-to-face courses.

For Help with D2L

Call 217-581-HELP (4357), email support@eiu.edu, or
contact the Instructional Support Specialist (ISS) for your department.

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