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91成人视频 D2L Solutions

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D2L Brightspace is a learning management system (LMS) that provides tools for students, faculty, and staff at 91成人视频 to succeed in creating educational experiences. D2L Brightspace is available for all courses at 91成人视频 including online, hybrid, and face-to-face.

The D2L Solutions website provides guides for instructors using D2L Brightspace at 91成人视频. The instructor guides provide step-by-step directions for common tasks in our 91成人视频 instance of D2L. 

D2L Solutions Instructor Guides

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The written instructor guides and video simulations on the D2L Solutions site are developed and brought to you by the

Faculty Development and Innovation Center

phone 217-581-7051 :: email fdic@eiu.edu :: web www.eiu.edu/fdic

Contact the FDIC for questions about the instructor guides, to suggest topics for new guides, or to schedule a consultation appointment. The FDIC staff can recommend integration solutions using D2L and other instructional technologies for your online, hybrid, and face-to-face courses.

For Help with D2L Brightspace

Send your request for assistance to fdic_help@eiu.edu and an FDIC staff member will assist you.

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Contact Information

Faculty Development and Innovation Center

1105 Booth Library

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