Note: Most links are to pdf files. Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded .
Welcome! This page contains links to pages which contain a variety of information about general chemistry lecture and lab.
General chemistry is a sequence of four courses — two lectures and two labs, taken over two semesters — designed to provide an overview of the discipline and serve as a stepping stone to further study in chemistry and other science majors.
General Chemistry, CHM 1310G, and General Chemistry, CHM 1315G, are taken together in the first semester. General Chemistry, CHM 1410, and General Chemistry, CHM 1415, are taken together in the second (and hopefully, succeeding) semester.
Note that you will need to click on each course to their corresponding description.
The general course schedule and related information for the upcoming semester can be found by following the appropriate link:
General Chemistry I schedule | General Chemistry II schedule |
Proper eye protection is a must in the chemistry laboratory. The Chemistry and Biochemistry Department goggle policy is described in the Goggle Policy link below. The lab FAQs link answers some important questions about lab including where to purchase the lab manual.
Goggle Policy | Lab FAQs |
To learn more about commonly used equipment including procedural protocols and images select the Equipment Guide link below. Much of this same information without accompanying images and movies can be found in the Equipment Guide section of the CHM 1315 and CHM 1415 lab manuals.
Equipment Guide |
Click here to access graphs of the line spectra of helium, hydrogen and mercury superimposed on the spectrum from a 'desk-type' fluorescent light referred to in experiment 11 (Spectroscope and Line Spectra).
Click here for information on accessing the 3-D structure of the protein phycocyanin isolated in experiment 1 (Protein Extraction and Folding).
Tutorial 1: Math Skills |
Tutorial 2: Formulas, Percentage Composition, and the Mole |
Tutorial 3: The Mole and Stoichiometry |
Tutorial 4: Solution Stoichiometry |
Tutorial 5: Net Ionic Equations |
Tutorial 6: Gases |
Tutorial 7: Heats of Reaction |
600 Lincoln Avenue, Charleston IL 61920 Physical Science, Room 3150