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Office for Environmental Health & Safety

The Eastern Illinois University Safety Program is established to provide a comprehensive and continuing accident prevention effort compatible with the function for the administration of the university. The program is designed to create a safer atmosphere for study, research, service, and employment, and to promote safe practices by the student body, faculty, and staff.

Safety is not the exclusive responsibility of the Safety Officer. The Safety Section exists to assist the Safety Committees, faculty, staff, and student body in meeting their safety responsibilities. Everyone is responsible for their own safety and the safety of those persons with whom they come in contact or for whom they have operational responsibility. The safety responsibility of members of the faculty and staff is a direct relationship to their operational responsibility.

This program is intended as a guide in planning, organizing, and controlling related programs in college and administrative divisions. This includes all facilities owned and/ or used by Eastern Illinois University. The objective of this program is the protection of life and property by prevention of all types of accidents including fire, occupational hazards, and harmful chemicals.

Emergency Notification System

Smart Message Popup Software & Emergency Response Boxes FAQ

What will I see in the popup or come over the box?
  • Your popup message will show you a text form of any message that is being relayed over the campus emergency speakers. This will consist of tests,  warnings, and other such notifications.
  • The emergency response box will voice any message that is being relayed  over the campus emergency speakers in your office. This too, will consist of  tests, warnings, and other such notifications.
Will we get weather alerts?
  • This system is set up only to relay messages to the campus about the campus. It is not going to give you messages about weather watches/warnings from  the NWS. It will however, give you weather warnings in the instance that  campus is going to be experiencing a severe weather event such as a tornado warning.
  • Example: A tornado warning that is for Northern Coles County and does not include Charleston, will not trigger a warning for the campus. If campus/Charleston is expected to experience such an event or warning, you will then be informed.
  • This should not affect the weather alert phone tree as they are not the  same.
  • To monitor weather watches & warnings you can visit the .
Who controls the messaging system? Who sends out the messages to campus?
  • University Police and Coles County ESDA have control to send out messages  and warnings when deemed necessary for the protection of the campus  community.
When will I see a message or hear a message on the box?
  • The first Tuesday of every month at 10 am and 10:30 am. This will be ran  with the normal monthly tests of the sirens. You will get a test weather alert  and a test emergency alert. Once you have seen/heard your system is  working properly you can dismiss the popup or reset the box.
What happens when the alert button is pushed on the box?
  • A popup message is sent to a small group of computers that are equipped,  and they are notified to call for help.
  • Please keep in mind that many people are out of the office by 4, if an  emergency is to happen after hours, it is also suggested that you call 911 for help to ensure the response of emergency personnel. 
If someone accidentally pushes the button who do we call?
  • No matter what the case, if the button is pushed during hours UPD will respond.
Who do I contact if my box or popup software isn’t working correctly? 
  • Director of Environmental Health & Emergency Management: Ronnie Spurgeon, 217-581-7068, rdspurgeon@eiu.edu
Informer Control Buttons
Informer Buttons

  • The Red "ALERT" button, also known as the "panic" button, should be used in emergencies. When pressed, it emits a small beep but does not broadcast anything over the radio. Instead, it triggers a pop-up alert on the screens of UPD and several other designated computers, notifying them that the emergency button has been activated. UPD will respond promptly when this occurs.
  • The Yellow RESET button will stop any messages from playing over the speaker. It will not reset any ALERT notification when the ALERT button is pushed. 
  • The Blue VOLUME button will turn the volume on the box up or down. 
  • The Green REPLAY button can be used to replay any message that came across the box. This is helpful if only part of the message is caught/heard.
Emergency Notification System (ENS) Messages
  1. Weather Test Notifications:  Attention. Attention. The following is a test Eastern Illinois University weather notifications system. This is a only a test.
  2. ENS Test Notification: Attention. Attention. The following is a test Eastern Illinois University emergency notifications system. This is only a test.
  3. Test Conclusion: Attention. Attention. This has been a test of Eastern Illinois University emergency notification system. This was a test.
  4. Weather Notifications:  Attention. Attention. A tornado warning is in effect for the immediate area. Move to a safe secure area away from windows. This is not a test.
  5. Evacuation Emergency Notifications: Attention. Attention. Campus is under an evacuation, please use emergency evacuation route, check and monitor your text messages and email account for further information and evacuation routes.
  6. Lockdown Emergency Notifications: Attention. Attention. Campus is currently under a lockdown, please close windows, doors and stay out of site, stay in your room. Check and monitor your text messages and e mail account for further information.
  7. Emergency Notifications: Earthquake Emergency Notification: Attention. Attention. Campus has experienced an earthquake. Please reassemble at your building’s reassembly point for accountability.
  8. Activation Emergency Notifications: Attention. Attention. The emergency notification system has been activated, check and monitor your text messages and email account for further information.

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Contact Information

Office for Environmental Health and Safety

600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
Fax: 217-581-5716

Director of Environmental Health & Emergency Management
Ronnie Spurgeon


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