Loan Forms
Click here to view basic PLUS loan application instructions
Federal Direct Loan Increase/Decrease Requests
To request a change to your federal subsidized or unsubsidized loan amount, you must sign in to PAWS to submit the request.
Go to the Financial Aid tab and click Financial Aid Dashboard link, on the Home tab verify the correct aid year is selected in the drop down at the top right, click View Questions to bring up the Direct Loan Increase/Decrease Request. Enter your request in the text box and click Submit. Please be specific and include loan type, amount, and semester. If the request is unclear, you will be asked to resubmit in order to clarify.
Please note: Revisions will be made based upon academic year budgets and other aid received. Annual and aggregate loan limits also apply. Please review your loan limits prior to submission: /finaid/loan.php.
** The PAWS submission form applies to the student’s subsidized and unsubsidized loans only and cannot be used to revise parent PLUS loans or to request loan changes due to a PLUS loan denial or change in grade class. If you need to request one of these changes, please submit the specific form available here (/finaid/loan_forms.php).