The Geographic Information Science Center mission is to provide a foundation for excellence in teaching, research, and public service in GISci with an emphasis on educating students to become leaders in the geospatial sciences.
The objectives of the Center are threefold:
1) to coordinate high caliber teaching, scholarship, and outreach through application of GISci tools, 2) to provide facilities in which users can access the state-of-the-art equipment and software to support their work, and 3) to secure external grants to fund its activities and improve its infrastructure.
鈥淢y research focuses on using plants for bioenergy and bioproduct applications. One aspect of my research involves using biotechnology to tailor plant traits for specific applications, such as bioethanol production."
Dr. Gillespie's doctoral dissertation, "From Reproduction to Consumption: The Economic Deterioration of Families in the United States after World War II", takes the start of the "Great Recession" in 2007 as the end-point of the decades-long decline in the economic wellbeing of middle-, working-, and poverty-class families in the United States. The major argument of this work is that welfare state retrenchments in public assistance combined with the deregulation of financial and non-financial capitalist firms contributed in part to the economic decline of families under growing levels of debt.
2065 - Physical Science
(217) 581-7014