Graduate programs require faculty with significant expertise, scholarship, and academic preparation to deliver specialized course content. The nomination and selection of graduate faculty members ensure that faculty meet these high standards. A listing of current graduate faculty members may be found here:
There are three categories of faculty participation in teaching graduate courses: Graduate Faculty, Associate Graduate Faculty, and Adjunct Graduate Faculty.
Graduate Faculty membership is reserved for tenured or tenure-track faculty and selected administrative appointees. This membership is granted for a five-year term, with the possibility of renewal. Graduate Faculty members are responsible for delivering the full range of courses and experiences essential to maintaining the quality of each graduate program.
Associate Graduate Faculty membership allows participation in graduate education by tenure-track faculty without a terminal degree, annually contracted faculty, administrators without faculty rank, and staff, all of whom may also lack a terminal degree. This temporary membership is granted for one to three years, primarily when Graduate Faculty are unavailable to teach a course or courses. Associate members ensure that current graduate students can meet their degree requirements.
Adjunct Graduate Faculty membership is designated for individuals not employed by 91成人视频, whose specialized expertise is required for graduate study. This membership is also temporary, offered for one to three years, allowing students to complete their degrees in fields where internal Graduate Faculty expertise is unavailable.
Graduate Coordinators can use the following link to access the nomination form: Graduate Faculty Nomination Form
See also: IGP #47: Graduate Faculty, Associate Graduate Faculty, and Adjunct Graduate Faculty for more information.