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91³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Medical Clinic

Illinois College Immunization Act Compliance



Medical Clinic Immunization Form for Domestic Students

On July 21, 2016, the Illinois Joint Committee on Administrative Rules revised and adopted the , administered by the Illinois Department of Public Health .  On August 5, 2016, these revisions were published. These new regulations added to the immunizations which had been previously needed for matriculation to all public and private colleges and universities.  

Compliance with this act requires all persons born on or after January 1, 1957 entering a four year public or private institution of higher education to provide proof of immunization. The following proof of immunity is required:

  1. Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis: Students shall provide dates of any combination of three or more doses of Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis containing vaccine. One dose must be Tdap vaccine. The last dose of vaccine (DPT, DTap, DT, Td, or Tdap) must have been received within 10 years prior to the term of current enrollment. The minimum time interval between the first and second dose must have been at least four weeks (28 days), with the third dose having been received at least six months after the second or last dose of the basic series.
  2. Measles, Mumps, Rubella: Students shall provide documentation of receipt of two doses of MMR (Measles, Mumps Rubella) live vaccine on or after the first birthday. The minimum time interval between each dose must have been at least four weeks (28 days).
  3. Meningococcal Vaccine: All new admissions under the age of 22 shall show proof of having at least one dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine on or after 16 years of age.

Students must provide the Health & Counseling Services - Medical Clinic with proof of immunity.  Please see below table for preferred deadlines, and deadlines which records must be received and validated by in order to avoid penalties.  Failure to have verified immunization records by the end of the 2nd week of the semester will result in a registration hold being placed on the student's account, preventing them from registering for future classes.  Failure to have verified immunization records by the end of the 4th week of the semester will result in a $35 non-compliance charge.

Please see the Academic Year 2023-2024 notice regarding Immunization Compliance by clicking HERE


Deadlines for Immunization Compliance


Preferred Submission Date

Deadline to Avoid Penalties

Registration Holds Placement Date

$35.00 Financial Fine Placement Date

Fall Semester

August 1

First Day of Class of the Semester

Friday of the 2nd Week of the semester

Friday of the 4th Week of the Semester

Spring Semester

December 15

Summer Semester

May 1


Compliant immunization records MUST:

  • Be SIGNED and DATED by a health provider (MD, DO, APN, PA, NP, RN, LPN, MA, Pharmacist), including their complete address and telephone number and be
  • Provide dates of any combination of three or more doses of Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis containing vaccine. One dose must be Tdap vaccine. The last dose of vaccine (DTP, DtaP, DT, Td or Tdap) must have been received within the last 10 years. Tetanus Toxoid is not
  • Provide dates of two MMR’s (measles, mumps and rubella) on or after first birthday.
  • All new admissions under the age of 22 shall show proof of having at least one dose of meningococcal conjugate on or after 16 years of age.

Documents that are NOT LEGIBLE or are INCOMPLETE WILL be sent back to the student.  We DO NOT keep incomplete records.

International students must contact International Students and Scholars Office or Health and Counseling Services – Medical Clinic for information regarding their IM submission.

Immunization Additional Information

 offers additional multilingual immunization information.

Persons from high TB risk countries should be screened for TB and TB infection. Persons from low-risk countries should only be tested if symptomatic or if they have risk factors. Students from high-risk countries require a TB Gold (blood draw).

Immunizations offered at SBL 91³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Student Medical Clinic

Please contact the clinic at 217/581-3013 to make an appointment.

  • TDap: $60
  • Measles, Mumps and Rubella: $102
  • Meningococcal Vaccine: $140
  • FREE Flu shots available in the fall to students



  • FAX to: 217/581-2010
  • E-MAIL to immunizations@eiu.edu
  • MAIL to Health & Counseling Services - Immunizations, 600 Lincoln Avenue, Charleston, IL 61920
    • Health & Counseling - Counseling Clinic, 1201 Human Services Building
    • Health & Counseling Student Insurance, 3rd Floor, Student Services Building
    • Health & Counseling - Health Education Resource Center, 2201 Blair Hall


Questions Regarding Immunizations Should be Directed To

  • E-MAIL to immunizations@eiu.edu
  • Phone - 217/581-7786
  • In person - 2201 Blair Hall, Health Education Resource Center


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Contact Information

Health & Counseling Services

Medical Clinic
Eastern Illinois University Human Services Building
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920

Academic Year Hours


Summer Hours

8am – 4:30 Monday – Thursday, 8am – 12pm Friday

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