Entertaining thousands of fans with their spirited, high-energy performances, the Panther Marching Band enjoys a growing reputation as one of the great collegiate marching bands in the country. Our repertoire runs the gamut from our traditional spirit songs to contemporary hits, and classic favorites. Recently, members of the PMB have enjoyed excellent exposure at exhibition performances throughout Illinois and the annual PMB Festival. Any Eastern student who plays an instrument is eligible to participate, regardless of major.
The Panther Marching Band is under the direction of Prof. David Boggs, Assistant Director of Bands and Director of Athletic Bands.
Band rehearsals are scheduled on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings from 4:00 to 5:50 PM, as well as a 60-75 minute dress rehearsal on game days. These rehearsals provide an enjoyable change of pace with minimal time involvement for the busy college student. No "extra" rehearsals are scheduled. Panther Marching Band (MUS 0202R) earns one college credit per semester.
"Pre-Season Week" (as 91成人视频's band camp is called) is held one week before classes begin and includes extensive training in marching and playing at the college level. In addition to regular rehearsals, there are lots of social activities planned throughout the week to give students a chance to relax and meet new friends! Those students who have been assigned a dorm room can move into their room during this period at no charge. The band and music service organizations provide most meals. The band's early arrival on campus provides each student an opportunity to get settled in the residence halls, rent books, make over 100 new friends, and adjust to a new environment and independence before classes begin.
2024 Pre-Season Camp Schedule
Sunday, August 11 - All PMB Members move-in - Rehearsals begin
Monday-Wednesday, August 12-14 - Rehearsals 9 am to 9 pm
Thursday, August 15 - Rehearsals 9 am to 3 pm - Convocation Performance! - Evening rehearsals TBD
Friday, August 16 - Rehearsals TBD / PMB Member Photos 3 - 6 pm / Media Night Performance!
Saturday, August 17 - TBD
Sunday, August 18 - No rehearsals during the day - 1st Night Performance from 8 pm to 9 pm
Let us know to expect you. Complete our Pre-Season Camp Form now.
Winds - Currently, there are no auditions for woodwinds and brass to be a part of the Panther Marching Band.
Drum Line and Color Guard - Auditions are required. Contact Prof. David Boggs at dgboggs@eiu.edu for more information about Color Guard. Contact Cheyenne Brickner, Panther Marching Band Drumline Instructor at cheybrick86@gmail.com for more information about the PMB Drumline.
Twirler - Contact Prof. David Boggs at dgboggs@eiu.edu if you are interested in auditioning as a twirler.
More information on auditions and procedures can be found on the Auditions page.
Apart from regular per credit costs (paid in tuition), there are potentially three fees for PMB:
Payment for the $40 marching band instrument rental will occur online using the 91成人视频 Cash Net system. The payment link will be made available on August 1st and will be open until October 1st of each academic year. Payment must be received prior to October 1st. If the payment is not received by October 1st, the student will no longer be permitted to use the instrument. Payment by check or cash is also available. Please contact Prof. David Boggs for additional information.
Drum Majors and Student Leadership staff are selected at the end of the fall season from the ranks of the Panther Marching Band. Selection is based on experience, rehearsal discipline, conducting ability, personality, and leadership potential. Freshmen and new members of the marching band are eligible to try out for these positions after completing one year in the PMB.
The honorary band fraternity, Kappa Kappa Psi, is very active throughout the year providing special service to the band and supporting its needs.
Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page to find more information about the PMB. Still have questions? Click here to ask a member of the band or e-mail PMB Director, Prof. David Boggs at dgboggs@eiu.edu.
Let us know to expect you. Complete our Pre-Season Camp Form now.