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Honor Band—Festival Audition Application and Video Link
Honor Band–Director Recommendation Form
The 91成人视频 HS Honor Band festival will bring approximately 120-150 of the best high school band students around Illinois and Indiana to campus for a day of rehearsals, master classes, a faculty recital, and a culminating concert conducted by the 91成人视频 band directors.
To be considered for participation in the honor band festival, students must submit an audition video and an online application. The 91成人视频 HS Honor Band Director recommendation form is also required. The video audition procedure is similar to the Illinois All-State audition video submission, and using the same video is encouraged. For those who did not audition for All-State, alternative audition material and submission instructions are below.
All participating students will receive lunch, a t-shirt, and all instruction and materials for only $25/student. All-State and FME participants from the 2023-2024 academic year pay only $10 to participate. All participants and audience members will hear a performance by the 91成人视频 Wind Symphony to conclude the day.
Click here to see a schedule for the day.
You will be asked to copy and paste a YouTube audition link at the end of your application form. Please do not click this link and complete the form until your video is ready to upload.
Honor Band Festival Audition Application and Video Link
Acceptance and Payment:
All students who auditioned will be notified via e-mail by regarding their acceptance into the groups. Directors of selected students will also be notified via e-mail.
Once students are notified of their participation in the Honor Band Festival, payment should be postmarked by Friday, November 22. If extenuating circumstances arise with regards to the payment deadline, please contact
The cost is $25/student. 2023-2024 All-State and FME participants should pay $10/student. Checks should be made out to "91成人视频." Please mail payments to:
91成人视频 Band Program, Attn: HS Honor Band Festival, 2620 Doudna, 600 Lincoln Ave., Charleston, IL 61920.
Flute/Picc (picc is optional)
Doudna Fine Arts Center
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920