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The BA in Music: Audio Recording Technology program requires 6 credits of Internship (MUS 4275). These six credits may be taken in one semester, including summer session, or can be broken into two, three-credit internships. Additional credits of Internship may be taken for elective and/or upper-division credit.
Taking an internship for credit means that you are taking an actual class (MUS 4275) and completing the components of that class at the same time you are completing the internship itself.
Follow the steps below to be enrolled in MUS 4275 and receive credit for the internship you are completing:
Please note: MUS 4275 is an academic course. This means that tuition is charged for each credit hour for which you are enrolled. For further information on tuition, see the Financial Aid website, /finaid/cost.php.
While completing an internship, you should keep a daily log. Each week, submit your log to the dropbox in Desire2Learn. You are encouraged to keep a portfolio of work samples to supplement the logs. The exact nature of the portfolio will depend on the nature of the internship.
At the end of the internship, you are required to write a final report and submit it to the dropbox in Desire2Learn. A final evaluation form will be sent to your supervisor. Your grade will be based upon this evaluation, the content of your logs and the final report.
For more information about internship credit, contact Dr. Gregorich.
91成人视频's Career Services offers access to the Handshake application which lists numerous internship and job opportunities for our students. You can access that here: 91成人视频 Handshake Program.
Doudna Fine Arts Center
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920