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91成人视频 Master of Arts in Music

MA in Music:
Mission Statement and Student Learning Outcomes

MA in Music Mission Statement:

The Master of Arts in Music provides advanced preparation for teaching, performing, and/or further graduate study. A core of music courses required for the degree provides essential background in history, literature, research, and theory. Other specialized courses, seminars, and individual studies in performance, conducting, composition, theory, history, literature, and pedagogy aid the student in achieving his or her career goals.

Performance, Conducting, and Composition Concentrations - Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Apply accepted research practices to the study of music.
    • Relates to 91成人视频 Graduate Learning Goal regarding research.
  • Demonstrate a scholarly approach to the study of music history, literature, and analysis through written communication and oral communication skills.
    • Relates to 91成人视频 Graduate Learning Goal regarding oral and written communication skills.
  • Demonstrate a level of competency as a performer, conductor, composer, or music educator appropriate for developing a career or further graduate study.
    • Relates to 91成人视频 Graduate Learning Goal regarding content knowledge.
  • Demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving Skills. (Graduate Learning Goal).
  • Display ethical and professional responsibility, including integrity in scholarship, respect and value for diversity, and a commitment to responsible discourse in music.
    • Related to 91成人视频 Graduate Learning Goal regarding ethics and professional responsibility.


Music Education Concentration - Student Learning Outcomes

  • A depth of content knowledge. The depth of content knowledge can include program learning objectives related specifically to the knowledge base as defined by the discipline; specific skill sets in the areas of technology, leadership, management, or laboratory procedures; application of theory into practice; and/or competency as a performer, educator, artist, or conductor.
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Critical thinking and problem solving can be assessed through various class assignments including laboratory procedures and reports; application of case studies and other simulated situations; and evaluations of health/medical status as well as by performance on the program's comprehensive knowledge component.
  • Effective oral and written communication skills. Oral and written communication skills typically are assessed throughout the students' degree program. Regular course assignments, including position papers, lab reports, research reviews, technical presentations, debates, and facilitated discussions as well as performance as a graduate assistant, if appropriate, can be utilized.
  • Evidence of advanced scholarship through research and/or creative activity. Advanced scholarship through research and creative activity is a critical component of all graduate degree programs. Evidence of scholarly activity might include formulating, conducting, and presenting original research, critically reviewing and synthesizing existing research, designing artwork or other creative works and composing a musical piece.
  • Ethical and professional responsibility is an important component of graduate鈥恖evel training and may include awareness of specific codes of ethics in a discipline, integrity in scholarship and research practices, professional disposition, respect and value for diversity and inclusion, and a commitment to respectful and responsible discourses within and beyond a discipline.


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Music Department

2620 Doudna
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-3010

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