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91成人视频 Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Interested in Pre-Nursing at 91成人视频?

We want to follow up with you to make sure our program is right for you! Here are a few things you should know:

  • To be eligible to apply to the traditional pre-licensure BSN program, you must be admitted to 91成人视频 as a pre-nursing student and have completed pre-nursing requirements at 91成人视频 with a grade of C or better. Students must complete BIO 1004G Practical Microbiology, BIO 2210 Anatomy & Physiology I, and NUR 1511 Pathways: Health and Human Services at 91成人视频. The first time you can apply to the BSN program is during the spring semester of your freshman year at 91成人视频.
  • There is no direct admission to the traditional BSN program for transfer students or high school students. If you are applying to 91成人视频 as a transfer student for pre-nursing and have completed the majority of the required pre-nursing coursework prior to admission, you are not eligible to apply to the nursing program at 91成人视频.
  • If you have your RN license and you wish to enroll in our online RN to BSN program, you can find more information on that program .

The best thing to do right now is to fill out this form with some details on where you're at in your studies. We'll follow up with you to determine if nursing at 91成人视频 is for you.

If you haven't already, we also recommend you check out the School of Nursing website to make sure it's right for you.

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