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From: Carrie Klaphake (
To: Carrie Klaphake Research, Various Recipients
Subject: Job Readiness Survey
Greetings 91成人视频 Senior,
You are invited to participate in a research study that focuses on the relationship of Career Services Center use and Difficulties in career decision-making. The purpose of this study is to see if there is a correlation between students who know what career they want to go in and their use of Career Services’ resources. This survey is being conducted as part of an assignment for the course CSD 5950, Thesis and Research, as a requirement for the Master’s of Science program in College Student Affairs here at Eastern Illinois University. Dr. Richard Roberts is the course instructor, and I, Carrie Klaphake, as the Principle Investigator on the project.
This survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Your decision to participate is completely voluntary. You have the right to terminate your participation at any time without penalty.
Your participation in this research will be kept confidential. Information from this research project could be shared with administrators on campus. Because your participation in this study is critical, if you complete the survey you will be entered in a drawing to win a $30 VISA gift card. To enter email: at your convenience with your contact information and a random drawing will be conducted at the conclusion of data collection.
Your decision to participate, decline, or withdraw from participation will have no effect on your current status or future relations with Eastern Illinois University.
By clicking on the link, you agree to participate voluntarily in all aspects of this study, understand that you have the option of removing yourself from the study at any time and give your approval of all findings to be enclosed within the research. Here is the link to the survey:
If you have any questions for the research, feel free to contact:
Carrie Klaphake Dr. Richard Roberts
If you have any questions or concern about the treatment of human participants in this study, you may call or write: Institutional Review Board Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave., Charleston, IL 61920
Telephone: (217) 581-8576
Thank you in advance and have a great day,
Carrie Klaphake
Carrie A. Klaphake
Student Life Graduate Assistant, 91成人视频
Career Advising Assistant, Media Career Services, UofI College Student Affairs Program, 91成人视频
*Explore. Dream. Discover.*