Instructional Services
At Eastern Illinois University there are a variety of instructional services provided to the faculty and students. These services provide the capability to enhance the learning experience of the students while making it easier for faculty to collaborate and communicate with their students.
Classrooms and Labs provide a unique learning environment for students across campus. Faculty are able to leverage the technology in these areas to enhance the learning experience of the students. The Gregg Technology Center not only houses the technicians that service the labs, classrooms, and offices it acts as a hub for tutoring. The Academic Success Center's tutoring stations have been relocated to the GTC. For more details about the Academic Success center or more about getting tutored, see /academicsupportcenter/index.php
Gregg Technology Center
GTC Computer Lab Hours, Shortened Schedule:
Monday-Thursday: 7 am- 3:00 pm Friday: 7 am - 2:45 pm; Saturday: CLOSED Sunday: CLOSED
GTC Computer Lab Hours, Fall and Spring:
Monday-Thursday: 7 am- 4:30 pm Friday: 7 am - 3:45 pm; Saturday: CLOSED Sunday: CLOSED
GTC Computer Lab Hours, Summer:
Monday-Thursday: 7 am- 4 pm Friday: 8 am - 12:00 pm Saturday: CLOSED Sunday: CLOSED
ADA Accessibility
Additionally, three Dells are set up to comply with requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). These workstations utilize specialized accessibility applications such as ThunderStorm screen reader, Win Braille, Universal Access, Kurzweiil, Text Aloud,and Microsoft Disability software to help students with sight and hearing impairments. A Braille printer is also available.
Designated for faculty, staff, and student training, this area consists of 25 dual-platform iMacs, instructor station, data projector, document camera, touchscreen monitor, and Wi-Fi technology. When not used for training, this area is available as an open lab.*
Collaboration/Work Area
This area provides groups a variety of comfortable seating and tables to have discussions, tutoring sessions, or meetings. Four half-circle tables, chairs, modular couch, USB charging stations, and hightop stools and dispersed within the Gregg Technology Center for ample spacing and easy access.
Laptop Checkout?
You may contact the CSI at the Booth Library for laptops.
Courtesy technology support for personal devices
If you need assistance connecting your personal device (laptop/phone/tablet) to 91³ÉÈËÊÓƵ's Wi-Fi, you may do a walk-in appointment at the Gregg Technology Center. In addition, the GTC staff are willing to offer guidance on operating systems' updates and hardware issues but are not fiscally liable if your device fails upon doing said updates or upgrades which are required for personal property to meet 91³ÉÈËÊÓƵ's network security protocols. At any time you may opt to instead hire a paid technician to diagnose and potentially service you device at the Union Tech Zone : /panthertech/techzone.php
*We will try to accommodate requests for examinations, important training sessions, or admissions-related events. If a department requires access to the GTC for a time not regularly scheduled to be open. Please submit your request using the link below. Thank you.
Booth Library
Software available in Booth Library Computer Labs:
A degree audit system that details a students' progress toward their particular degree. It shows students and their advisors how coursework, credits, and hours fulfill requirements for general education, majors, minors, and graduation.
A resource which allows users to print to various locations around campus.
Instructional Design
Instructional Training
HoverCam Training
In order to teach online classes at 91³ÉÈËÊÓƵ a faculty member must meet the Technology-Delivered Course Policy requirements. Each of the below options meets the requirements of the policy.
Option 1: OCDi - Online Course Development institute (91³ÉÈËÊÓƵ)
OCDI Training Course Options: Self-Directed OCDi: The Self-Directed OCDi Training Course is a training series developed and facilitated by staff at the Center for Online Learning at 91³ÉÈËÊÓƵ. The course is online and can be completed at any time at the participant's pace. The participant completes readings and learning activities in an effort to incorporate best practices in the development of an online course. The topics focus on effective online course design and online teaching and learning. The participant will develop an online course to submit for review. Enrollment is open throughout the year for the self-directed training. --Register for the Self-Directed OCDi Training Course OCDi Cohort for groups: The OCDi Training Course is a training series developed and facilitated by staff at the Center for Online Learning at 91³ÉÈËÊÓƵ. The cohort option is for faculty groups of 6 or more interested in face-to-face training. The cohort meets face-to-face as a group for eight one-hour sessions for demonstrations and discussion. Optional technology training and lab time is available. Readings and learning activities are completed online. The purpose of the OCDi is to assist the participant in incorporating best practices in the development of an online course. The topics focus on effective online course design and online teaching and learning. The participant will develop an online course to submit for review. --If you have a group of 6 or more 91³ÉÈËÊÓƵ faculty and would like to request a customized cohort OCDi Training Course, contact Julie Lockett at The OCDI training course is provided at no cost to 91³ÉÈËÊÓƵ faculty and staff preparing to teach an online course at 91³ÉÈËÊÓƵ. OCDI Course Review: The OCDI Course Review is a review of the design of the participant's online course using the Quality Matters Higher Education Rubric (Fifth Edition, 2014). The internal review is conducted by staff at the Center for Online Learning at 91³ÉÈËÊÓƵ. email For questions, contact Julie Lockett at Illinois Online Network
Option 2: MOT - Master Online Teacher Certificate (ION)
The Master Online Teacher certificate is a comprehensive faculty development program based upon the MVCR (Making the Virtual Classroom a Reality) series of online faculty development courses conducted by the Illinois Online Network (ION). This program recognizes and certifies faculty, staff, and administrators who achieve a measurable level of knowledge related to online course design, online instruction, and other issues related to online teaching and learning. Participants must successfully complete 4 required courses, one elective, and the Practicum, to earn the Master of Online Teaching (MOT) certificate from ION. All courses must be taken before the Practicum, although the elective course may be taken concurrently. All courses in the Master Online Teacher certificate are 8-week courses. 91³ÉÈËÊÓƵ is a Global Partner with ION therefore 91³ÉÈËÊÓƵ faculty and staff receive discounted registration fees for the MOT courses. Fees for the courses are the responsibility of the participant or the participant's department. View the ION Course Schedule for more information. email For questions, contact Julie Lockett at
Option 3: Another Documented and Equivalent Training Activity
The participant must complete a documented and equivalent training activity. The participant must submit sufficient evidence documenting the successful completion of the training. email For questions, contact Julie Lockett at
Blackboard Collaborate
D2L SUPPORT is now available 24/7/365! Call 1-877-325-7778 (toll free), to submit an issue via Email, or Access Chat through Chat widget in D2L
Panther Access to Web Services (PAWS) is an online application that enables employees and students to access a variety of information via the Internet.
Web-Based Assessment Platform used to develop and administer tests, capture results, and produce standards-based reports.