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Eastern Illinois University


Official University Emails

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Sent: 2015-03-26
From: Reginald Thedford, Jr., Student Body President
To: Students, Various Recipients

Subject: Student Government Elections

My fellow student body,

The 2015 Eastern Illinois University Student Government Spring Elections are upon us! The Student Government Association is critical to the improvement of the campus. If you would like to see a change and make a difference on 91成人视频's campus, Student Government is for you!

Executive and Senator Applications are due Wednesday, April 1. Applications must be turned into the Student Activity Center located on the 2nd floor of the MLK Union by 4 p.m.

To receive an application, please stop by the Student Activity Center or view the link below to print the application packet.

Senator Application: http://castle.eiu.edu/~stdtgov/documents/packets/Senator_Petition_Spring_2015.pdf

Executive Application: http://castle.eiu.edu/~stdtgov/documents/packets/Executive_Petition_Spring_2015.pdf

To learn more about the organization, please visit our website http://castle.eiu.edu/stdtgov/


Reginald Thedford Jr.
Student Body President
Eastern Illinois University
Cell: 314-479-5048


Technology Support
