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From: Julie Lockett, Director - Center for Online Learning
To: Employees, Various Recipients
Quality Matters celebrates National Distance Learning Week (November 9-13, 2015) with a focus on Accessibility. Discover How QM subscribers are increasing the accessibility of online courses by attending one or more of the webinars listed below. Attend online by registering for each webinar or attend at the COL Seminar Room (McAfee 1210) by sending an email to Julie Lockett at
• November 9, 2015 (Monday): QM Webinar - Beyond Standard 8: Universal Design and QM
While QM Standard 8 addresses accessibility for vision and hearing differences, other QM Standards address a wider range of diverse learning and instructional accessibility needs. This session will help faculty understand how different QM Standards support diverse students and show how QM helps to achieve good universal design. While the session will present information on QM and universal design for all students, the session will focus in particular on the needs of students with Autism Spectrum disorder and on how QM, effectively applied, helps meet their needs.
Presented by Betsy Stringam, Associate Professor of Hotels and Resorts, New Mexico State University
Webinar begins at 1:00 p.m. Central
To attend the webinar at the COL Seminar Room (McAfee 1210), send an email to Julie Lockett at
• November 10, 2015 (Tuesday): QM Webinar - How We Overcame the Challenges of Implementing Standard 8 (Accessibility and Usability)
Locating and understanding accessibility standards can be difficult; implementing them in your course development process can seem impossible. We will look at the details of designing courses that meet QM Standard 8. Our customized standards manual will be shared; it includes technical instructions, screenshots, examples, and decision trees. Also shared will be a detailed, job-tailored training plan, including handouts, checklists, and quick-reference guides to teach staff members about accessibility, our standards list, and division of responsibilities.
Presented by Erin Blauvelt, Excelsior College
Webinar begins 1:00 p.m. Central
To attend the webinar at the COL Seminar Room (McAfee 1210), send an email to Julie Lockett at
• November 12, 2015 (Thursday): Incorporating Accessibility Standards in Course Design and Materials
Do you need to update your video and multimedia course presentations to meet accessibility standards? In this session you will see an actual course with examples of alternative formats to meet diverse learners and discover tools you may use to help meet the accessibility standard.
Presented by Teresa Prange & Sage Freeman, Chemeketa Community College
Webinar begins 1:00 p.m. Central
To attend the webinar at the COL Seminar Room (McAfee 1210), send an email to Julie Lockett at
Julie Lockett, Director
Center for Online Learning