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From: Melinda Mueller, Ph. D. Professor and Graduate Coordinator, Political Science
To: Various Recipients
Subject: 91成人视频 Student Public Opinion
You have been selected to participate in a public opinion survey focusing on the political attitudes of 91成人视频 students. This survey was designed by students enrolled in PLS 3723/Political Behavior. The results of this survey will help them learn about survey methods and political behavior, and may be presented at research conferences. There are no significant risks associated with answering the survey questions.
This survey will take you about 10 minutes to complete, and can be accessed by clicking this link:
Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary, and your responses will be kept confidential. No identifiable information (such as emails or E#s) will be attached to your responses. Only students enrolled in the class, two graduate assistants, and myself will have access to the data. You can skip any question, and exit out of the survey at any time if you wish.
Please help us learn more about the political attitudes of 91成人视频 students! If you have any questions, please email me at, or call me at 217-581-3022.
Melinda Mueller, Ph.D.
Professor and Graduate Coordinator, Political Science