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Sent: 2012-09-07
From: Julie Lockett
To: Students, Employees

Subject: You now have unlimited access to lynda.com


91成人视频 is now providing unlimited access to lynda.com for all faculty, staff, and students. lynda.com is an online library of courses on software tools and skills. With more than 1,400 courses taught by industry experts, and more added every week, lynda.com is designed for all levels of learners and is available whenever you're ready to learn. You can even view it on your iPhone, iPad, Android phone or tablet, or other mobile device.

Here are just a few of the benefits to using lynda.com:
*Courses include a wide variety of technology and disciplines
*Up-to-date content helps to keep your skills current
*New courses are added every week
*Access to instructors' exercise files let you follow along as you watch tutorials
*Closed captioning and searchable, timecoded transcripts for increased comprehension
*Beginner to advanced courses to learn at your level
*Watch complete courses or individual tutorials as you need them

To access lynda.com, go to http://www.eiu.edu/lynda and select "Create a new account." You must create your account using a computer on campus within Eastern's IP range. (If you are never on campus, select "Off Campus" at the link above for account creation directions.) Once your profile is created, you will be able to access lynda.com from any Internet connection.

Contact me if you have any questions or issues signing up for or into lynda.com.

Best regards,

Julie Lockett, Director of Instructional Technology Services
Center for Academic Technology Support, McAfee 1272
Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL 61920
Voice: 217.581.8449; FAX: 217.581.7998
Email: jalockett@eiu.edu; Web: http://cats.eiu.edu


Technology Support
