- Current & Prospective Students
- Careers
- Internships, Research & Simulations
- Graduate & Law School
- Faculty
Because our majors are widely trained with strong critical thinking, writing, and communication skills, they enter a wide variety of careers. Our students are also ready to adapt to new career opportunities. Their knowledge of government and strategy prepares them for careers in the public, non-profit, and private sectors.
Students gain key career building/planning skills beginning in their first year, through academic advising, coursework, the Political Science Association, and culminating in their senior capstone course.
Placements over the past 10 years include:
Examples of recent placements include:
Shirmeen Ahmad, Resource Development Coordinator, YWCA Chicago
Jeff Bousson, Sustainability Officer, Central Washington University
Jerald Ducay, Senior Planner, Burleson, TX
Karleen Gernady, Management Analyst, Village of Lindenhurst, IL
Jacob Griffin, Senior Director, Development & Planned Giving, Purdue Research
Alisa Hill, Compensation Coordinator/HR Design & Strategy, City Colleges of Chicago
Matthew Jacobs, Attorney, Branstetter, Stranch & Jennings
Lindsey Juszczak, Victim Witness Coordinator, Coles County State's Attorney
Rachel Kaiser, Field Representative, Congressman Bost
Phil Love, Project Director, City of Naperville
Austin Mejdrich, Chief of Staff, IL State Representative Walker
Edwyn Mitchell, Senior Global Manager, Events & Field Marketing, Constructor
Maralea Negron, Director of Operations, Democratic Party of IL
Jacob Nudelman, Deputy Budget Director, City of Chicago
Jennifer Prillaman, Foreign Service Officer, State Department, Japan
Courtney Sage, Assistant Village Administrator, Cary, IL
Ashley Shula, Associate Attorney, Growe, Eisen, Karlen & Eilerts
Reggie Thedford, Legal Counsel, Restore Your Vote Campaign
Ciara Wagoner, Chief Legislative Liaison, IL Environmental Protection Agency
Lily Walton, Executive Director, Champaign County Housing Authority
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
Fax: 217-581-2926