Our option in Political Science is mostly face-to-face, and offers a flexible program for students seeking employment in the following types of careers:
We offer a full range of courses so that students can complete their M.A. in two semesters and one summer. Students who require a different pace can take just one course per semester--the choice is up to the student! This is the ideal program for international students, who are allowed to take only one online course per semester.
Students in this option can also mix and match their degree program, taking electives that are online, or taking public administration electives to enhance their professional skills. Full time enrolled students are also eligible for graduate assistantships.
Our students represent a wide variety of backgrounds. Many students have undergraduate degrees in Political Science, but we also have students with degrees such as History, Sociology, Psychology, Economics, English, Communications, Journalism, and General Studies. Our students are diverse in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, ideology, and class.
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Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
Fax: 217-581-2926