NACURH stands for the . As an organization, NACURH creates environments that empower, motivate, and equip residence hall leaders by providing them with skills and resources in order for them to excel and positively impact their campus communities. Newly elected executive board members of RHA and NRHH attends NACURH's annual conference hosted every summer to bring new and creative initiatives to 91成人视频 during the academic year.
The first link represents caring. Leaders are people who care. They are concerned about themselves and others, and are committed to making things better.
The second link signifies dedication. Part of a leader's commitment is the dedication to a cause, which they display. Dedication is an important part of the involvement required to be truly effective.
The third link represents participation. True leaders participate fully in their academic pursuits, their friendships, their activities, and their lives. Leaders don't sit on the sidelines, but are competent team players.
Together, the unbroken chain symbolizes the membership of NACURH. As leaders, we are interconnected as caring and dedicated participants in the community of your university.