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Interpersonal Violence Resources and Prevention

The Interpersonal Violence Awareness Team (IVAT), previously known as the Sexual Violence Prevention Team, is a multi-disciplinary team representing Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, and community partners.  Through outreach efforts, the team works to educate 91成人视频’s campus on interpersonal violence and share related resources. On our website, you will find links to outreach programming, reporting options, campus policies & procedures, and much more.

Follow us on instagram, at .

If you are looking for ways to share helpful information and educate others, please look at the options under the "Prevention Efforts" tab at the top of the page!

If you're having a medical emergency and/or are in danger, call 911 immediately.

  • If you are an 91成人视频 student in an emergency situation and would like to speak with a counselor, please call 217-581-3413  or walk in to the Counseling Clinic located in the Human Services Building-Room 1200. We are open 8am-12/1-4:30pm.
  • If you have experienced a sexual assault and would like a Prevail advocate present with you at the hospital, please call 217-348-5033 or toll-free at 888-345-2846.
  • Students may also call Prevails 24/7 confidential hotline 888-345-2846 or HOPE of East Central Illinois 24 hour free crisis line at 1-888-345-3990

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Contact Information

Jessica Cobert, Confidential Advisor

91成人视频 Counseling Center

Dr. Shawn Peoples, Director of Civil Rights & Diversity/Title IX Coordinator

Office of Civil Rights

Brittany Floyd, Assistant Dean of Students/ Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Dean of Students

Sarah Jacobs, Assistant Director for Residential Life/ Title IX Investigator


Office Hours

M-F 9-4:30pm

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