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Student Organization (RSO)

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Student Council for Exceptional Children (SCEC)

Type: Academic
Membership Types: 91成人视频 Students/Faculty


The purpose of this organization shall be to advance the education of individuals with exceptionalities and to promote related educational, scientific and charitable purposes. Specifically the organization intends to assist and provide support to the The Council for Exceptional Children in all its efforts on behalf of persons with exceptionalities and to participate in all appropriate activities of CEC.

Meeting Times

6 thursdays per semester. Check facebook page, college of education television, or special education department for meeting dates and updates
in person- room 1103 if room approved

Advisors and Board Members

Name Affiliation Email Phone
Jennifer M Buchter Advisor jmbuchter@eiu.edu
Cori M More Advisor cmmore@eiu.edu
Madelyn N Fought President mnfought@eiu.edu
Kayce M Glenn Vice President kmglenn@eiu.edu
Emilee R Boyd Secretary erboyd2@eiu.edu
Jack A Key Treasurer jakey2@eiu.edu