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Beta Alpha Psi

Type: Honorary
Membership Types: 91³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Students/Faculty


The purpose of Beta Alpha Psi is to:

  • recognize outstanding academic achievements in the field of accounting, finance, and information systems;
  • promote the study and practice of professional fields related to these disciplines;
  • provide opportunities for self-development and association among members and practicing financial professionals;
  • encourage a sense of ethical, social, and public responsibilities

Meeting Times

Tuesdays 5 p.m.
Lumpkin 2041

Advisors and Board Members

Name Affiliation Email Phone
Nicholas Robinson Advisor nrobinson@eiu.edu 2175813026
Stephen Kozlowski Advisor skozlowski@eiu.edu
Rachel C Wisner President rcwisner@eiu.edu
Lexi L Chrappa Vice President alchrappa@eiu.edu
Austin J Karbach Secretary ajkarbach2@eiu.edu
Jace A Burzynski Treasurer jaburzynski@eiu.edu