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Student Life Office

Student Organization (RSO)

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Women Exploring Business and Technology

Type: Academic
Membership Types: 91³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Students Only


Web@ is an organization focused on professionalism, female empowerment, networking and creating opportunities for careers in business and technology.

Meeting Times

Every other Thursday / 5:00 - 6:00 pm
Lumpkin 2020

Advisors and Board Members

Name Affiliation Email Phone
Kelly J Best Advisor kjbest@eiu.edu
Gail L Turner Advisor glturner@eiu.edu 2175813226
Anna G Withers President agwithers@eiu.edu
abe T Mensah Vice President atmensah@eiu.edu
Devon A Hester Secretary dahester@eiu.edu
Anna G Withers Treasurer agwithers@eiu.edu