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Eastern Illinois University

Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminology


Established in 1968, the purpose of Lambda Alpha National Anthropology Honor Society is to both acknowledge and reward academic excellence. The name Lambda Alpha is composed of the initial letters of the Greek words Logos Anthropos meaning the study of humankind.

Lambda Alpha supports scholarship and research by acknowledging and honoring superior achievement in the discipline among students engaged in the study of anthropology. Superior academic performance is recognized through membership in the society. Lambda Alpha rewards academic excellence through the annual awarding of student scholarships, research grants, and student paper prizes.

The Nu Chapter of 91成人视频 was established in 2018. While most chapters exist in departments that offer an anthropology major, our chapters' at 91成人视频 was approved based on how active our anthropology minors are in field schools, presenting research papers at conferences, and in related activities on campus. Undergraduate students who are interested in becoming members of our Lambda Alpha chapter must meet the following minimum criteria:

Alumni may become members of their university's chapter within five years of graduation provided they meet the same qualifications for students. 


If you are interested in joining Lambda Alpha, please contact our faculty committee advisor.


Faculty Committee Advisor:

Dr. Angela Glaros