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91成人视频 Turnitin

Academic Honesty @ 91成人视频

Faculty need to be familiar with the Standards of Student Conduct Codes and the proper 91成人视频 procedures for reporting academic dishonesty. The Dean of Students provides resources for both faculty and students. If a faculty member feels a student has broken the Standards of Student Conduct, the Notation of Academic Misconduct form must be downloaded and completed by the faculty member.

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The written instructor guides and video simulations on this site are brought to you by the

Faculty Development and Innovation Center

phone 217-581-7051 :: email fdic@eiu.edu :: web www.eiu.edu/fdic 

Contact the FDIC for questions about the instructor guides, to suggest topics for new guides, or to schedule a consultation appointment.  The FDIC staff can recommend integration solutions using Turnitin and other instructional technologies for your online, hybrid, and face-to-face courses.

For Help with Turnitin

Send your request for assistance to fdic_help@eiu.edu and an FDIC staff member will assist you.

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