Prior to posting, all materials must be stamped by the Campus Scheduling Office during regular business hours. Materials are subject to removal if they have not been stamped, are outdated, are posted in an unauthorized location, or have been posted for more than 30 days.
Posting that conforms with the University's policy on may be placed on bulletin boards in the locations listed below.
Advertising for commercial products, services, or off-campus businesses is restricted ONLY to bulletin boards on this list identified by the # symbol, and only on a space-available basis.
Posters for residence halls must be submitted to the appropriate resident director for placement by building staff members.
For University business or other authorized purposes, at least one poster will be accepted at each of the following facilities:
For wider distribution of posters concerning on-campus, co-curricular activities of specific interest to residential students, contact the Office of Housing and Dining Services.
Each residence hall will have only one location and will accept only one poster for the advertising of commercial products, services, or off-campus businesses.
There are currently no bulletin boards, kiosks or other permissible locations for outside posting at the university. No signs or banners may be placed on walls, trees, doors, fences or other outside locations without prior permission from the Assistant Director of the University Union for Campus Scheduling. No leaflets may be placed on vehicles parked on/in university streets, drives, or parking lots.
May change according to the Academic Calendar
Monday – Thursday: 7 A.M.-10 P.M.
Friday: 7 A.M.-10 P.M.
Saturday: 10 A.M.-10 P.M.
Sunday: 11 A.M.- 10 P.M.