Our goal is to provide our students and scholars with services and spaces to make their academic pursuits engaging, productive, and enjoyable. We emphasize responsiveness to our patrons. We also strive to continually identify and develop services and spaces related to library innovation. Library Services will actively pursue opportunities for enhancing or transforming existing library spaces and develop new services and programs essential to the success of our academic community.
The CSI is located on the lower level of Booth Library, on the east side of the atrium (at the bottom of the stairs when crossing the bridge). To contact the CSI staff, email csi@eiu.edu. You may also reserve space in the CSI via the Library Reservation System.
An Active Learning Classroom (ALC) and Design Lab serves as a central space for supporting the digital and technological infrastructure at the heart of the Innovation Center. The ALC combines flexible furniture, mobile technology, and innovative teaching and learning programming. Use of the ALC encourages collaborations with partners across campus in all colleges. Faculty can reserve the Active Learning Classroom through this link. Library patrons who would like access to the Podcasting and 3D Printing equipment in the Design Lab should make an appointment through this website. To allow us to accommodate all patrons, appointments should be made 24 hours in advance.
The Design Lab contains the latest technology to encourage collaboration and creativity. Technology currently available:
The Technology Checkout Station has moved to the LTS Desk on the fourth floor of Booth Library. Checkout hours will follow the hours of the library. The station provides laptop computers, webcams and other technology to students, who may check out needed equipment with their Panther Card for a limited time period. Please see the Technology Checkout web page to learn what equipment is available.
Funding and Support
Renovation of the CSI space was possible thanks to a grant from the Charleston Area Charitable Foundation. The renovation included new flooring, electrical and Internet upgrades, updated lighting and paint.
Some CSI equipment purchased through a grant from the Illinois State Library and from private doners.
Funding for the much of the Technology Checkout Station equipment was provided through the Governor's Emergency Education Relief fund.
600 Lincoln Avenue,
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-6073