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Center for Student Innovation

Policy for Food in the Center for Student Innovation (CSI)  

The Center for Student Innovation (CSI) is available for classes, and campus units and groups for approved events. To ensure that all users can enjoy a clean and welcoming environment, the following food and cleanliness guidelines apply: 

Permitted Food

    • Food is allowed in the space. However, to maintain a safe and inclusive environment for all, foods containing peanuts or peanut products are prohibited. 
    • To protect the equipment, food and drink cannot be consumed near CSI technology.

Responsibilities of the Reserving Party

    • The individual reserving the space is responsible for ensuring that it is cleaned and ready for the next users. This includes: 
      • Removing all leftover food and beverages. 
      • Wiping down tables, chairs, and other surfaces if food or drink was consumed. 
      • Properly disposing of trash and recyclables in the designated bins. 
      • Reporting any spills or damage to library staff immediately. 

Cleaning Supplies

    • Basic cleaning supplies (e.g., wipes, paper towels) are available in the CSI for your convenience. 

Failure to Comply

    • Groups that do not leave the space in an acceptable condition may face restrictions on future reservations. 


We appreciate your cooperation in keeping the CSI seminar space a clean, safe, and functional environment for all. 

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